I was going to say “News and notes from one of the most controversial Velocities in FFW History”... but then I started to think.
Is it really controversial if everyone and their little sister agrees it was entirely 100% bullshit?
You can leave that one for the philosophers. Here’s some Four Corners.
Ever since Isabella Pazzini’s appointment as Commissioner of the Ultraviolence Division, she and Chief Operations Officer Cody Kincaid have been engaged in a war, not just for control of Femme Fatale Wrestling as a company, but for the hearts and minds of the FFW Faithful, but also the locker room and personnell. Behind the scenes, Isabella was having a grand amount of success. The locker room still favors Kincaid, but Pazzini’s gotten herself a larger following than was originally expected. In addition, her backstage political maneuvers have by and large gone off without a hitch, much to Mr. Kincaid’s frustration, including a cold-stone kiboshing of a No Surrender themed event that’s left the division stewing.
In the public eye though, it’s been all Cody. The fans overwhelmingly support him, and will likely continue to do so. In addition, any power play Isabella’s attempted with booking- namely sticking one of Kincaid’s supporters in an Ultraviolence Themed match- has backfired catastrophically. It’s not a coincidence that the attack on Cody happened after Caroline Stark put Pazzini favorite Emma MacNamara through two tables. Bella had to have realized it was coming- it’s Killer Fucking C for God’s sakes, and planned a contingency face save accordingly.
But in doing so, she’s lit a fuse that can’t be easily extinguished, and is sizzling straight at a massive pile of gunpowder. It’s one thing for political maneuvering in the backstage and a war of insults over twitter and the microphone. It’s another openly lure your adversary into a steel cage and attack him unprovoked. Already she’s got three people out for her head, and it won’t be surprising at all to see more of the locker room join in.
More, but not all. Because it’s also going to be interesting to see who steps forward as an apologist for Pazzini… or even an outright supporter. It seems unfathomable that someone would come forward and defend the indefensible, but we have some pretty sick women on our roster who’d be willing to do it- even if just for the notoriety it would bring.
But there’s one other factor here to consider- the Boss Lady, Samantha Star herself. Samantha was not in attendance last night, but apparently was watching live, and even if she hadnt, there’s no way in hell she wouldn’t be hearing about this immediately afterwards. And we all remember what Samantha said at Isabella’s performance review- if anyone got hurt on her watch, she’d be held responsible for it.
Well… someone got hurt. On Isabella Pazzini’s watch, and even more apalling, by her own hands. They might be friends, but there absolutely has to be consequences, or else Samantha runs the risk of losing her hard fought credibility with pretty much everyone. She’s got to do something.
Chances are, that something’s going to be at Chaos Theory, which means we’re in for a long two weeks of speculation, frustration and bitterness.
All three women scheduled to be in the #1 Contenders match at Chaos Theory were in action last night, with two of them winning. The one who didn’t? Crystal Hilton, who also took the most understandable of the losses, teaming with a Jenny who’s just been… off lately to take on Dark Fantasy, who are becoming more and more of a threat to the Unity Champions with each match. It wasn’t entirely how Crystal wanted to go into the PPV and what might be the biggest match of her career, but it’s not the end of the world either.
Mika beat current co-#1 Contender Valerie Lamb in a rematch of their last encounter in July. It wasn’t entirely on the level- Mika engaged in a weird obsession with pulling Val’s hair, and damn near ripped her pants off with that hold at the end, but The World’s Most Annoying Pinko got the job done, for good or ill. She was the clear-cut favorite in the #1 Contenders match to begin with… and she didn’t do anything to change things at all last night.
And then there’s Tara Thunder, who entered the night at risk of going on her first-ever three match losing streak. Didn’t happen, and we saw a Thunder that was more focused, more driven, and more vicious than anything we’ve seen from her since May. It’s the kind of performance that would have made both Crystal and Mika go ‘uh oh’, and it evens her odds up tremendously going into a match that basically will save her hopes of competing for FFW’s highest championship.
But, possibly bigger than that, it keeps the Triple Threat a Triple threat. Had Tara succumbed to Jodie, it would have turned into another four-way, and there’d just be more possibilities and contingencies to deal with. Now, that’s one less body to worry about, and that’s three women breathing easier.
As far as Jodie goes…

Both members of PA were in action last night too, in singles competition. The spazzes with flat azzes haven’t teamed together in a while, and in fact are currently rivals for the same title belt, but all accounts seem to still be on good terms.
Still, Misty can’t have felt ALL that great about Kate Steele walking into the division, knocking off Easter, and getting herself a shot, while Misty herself has been somewhat lost in the shuffle (we haven’t even seen her in the ring since October). Still, she’s gotta be feeling quite a bit better after last night when she pinned Valentina Lozano. It’s a huge win for her, not only does it give her a much needed jolt, but in defeating Lozano, she’s knocked off an upcoming challenger for the belt. That’s going to rocket her up the rankings, and set up a possible shot for her in the future.
And then there’s Kate, who pulled out all the stops in an amazing win over sister Samara. It’s a huge momentum builder with the PPV just around the corner, but even more than that, it has to be cathartic for Kate, who’s been bullied by Samara almost nonstop for the past two and a half years, to finally stick it to her abusive sibling. Samara was so convinced we were going to see Kate pull a Kate (the bad kind) that she didn’t even consider that Kate was going to, well, pull a Kate (the good kind)
Kate now enters Chaos Theory firing on all cylinders, although the question of whether or not she can down Aimee a second time is a very valid one (although she might not have to). Misty won’t be wrestling at Chaos Theory, but after things are settled there, it won’t be surprising to see some more action coming from her beginning in March.
So the question is… could we honest to god be looking at a Pure Adrenaline showdown over the Evolution Championshp in the near future? Too early to say for certain, of course, but the pieces are at least on the board, if not in the right places yet. but if we do end up getting it, well… ho-lee shit.
...Actually, you know what? I’m not even gonna go there. There’s really no way you can possibly intelligently respond to what we just saw from Megan Leavenworth, and if Gabby’s convinced she’s got the right belt, that’s good enough for me.
But good lord this is getting out of hand. We’ve had vicious wrestlers. We’ve had idiot wrestlers. We’ve had insane wrestlers. Never before have all three traits been so neatly packaged into one Welsh redhead.
At least she’s not scheduled to compete at Chaos Theory, which she has dubbed Ignis Theory out of… who the hell knows.
Of course that means she’s going to have a lot of free time.
Which is probably when she’s going to have ideas pop iinto her head.
Which means something horrible’s going to happen.
Uh oh.
UP NEXT: CHAOS THEORY! Look for in depth match previews to come in the coming days! Anyone who wants to chip in with some of their own analaysis is welcome to contact me! Holy crap it gon’ be epic!
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