Once again, its time for wrestling manager and analyst Daniel Pollaski to go over the news, reviews, and previews of Femme Fatale Wrestling! All content is the sole opinion of the author and does not reflect the views of Femme Fatale Wrestling, its wrestlers, or administration. Or Wendy Briese, for that matter, so don’t go jumping her in the hallway if you get butthurt about this. Bitch. And don't go jumping the Scarborough Fair either. I'm watching you!
The Power-X’s Inspirational Thought of the Week:
Baby we can talk all night
But that ain't gettin us nowhere
I told you everything I possibly can
There's nothing left inside of here
And maybe you can cry all night
But that'll never change the way I feel
The snow is really piling up outside
I wish you wouldn't make me leave here
I poured it on and I poured it out
I tried to show you just how much I care
I'm tired of words and I'm too hoarse to shout
But you've been cold to me so long
I'm crying icicles instead of tears
And all I can do
Is keep on telling you
I want you (I want you)
I need you (I need you)
But-there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you
Now don't be sad (Don't be sad)
'Cause two out of three ain't bad
Now don't be sad (Cause)
'Cause two out of three ain't bad
- “Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad” Meat Loaf
Hey kids!
Well, I know for one that I’m glad to be back home permanently in AMERICA! (fuck yeah!!). Actually, as I write this, I’m on a bus to Seattle, ready to fly back to Indianapolis after a wonderful weekend attending the Kittitas County Fair and Rodeo. Gotta say, them Central Washingtonians know how to throw a party.
Oh, and of course, there was much college football watched. GO DAWGS!
Anyways, onward we turn into the Month of September Sin & Sacrifice, and War Games! Got a lot to go over after the Tokyo Megashow and the Homecoming Velocity, so let’s not waste time, starting with- you guessed it.. the four corners!
In the last edition of the Power X, I brought up that at the FFW Anniversary show, the number three seemed to be coming into play quite a bit. After all, it was the show that rang in FFW’s third year of existence (even though it’s been about three months since the company’s true anniversary). It was also the ninth (three squared) show of the FFW World Tour, and it was a three hour special that featured nine (three squared again) matches, three more than the usual six you can expect from an FFW show.
And three of those matches where the third match in a series between the wrestlers involved. All three of them were the most anticipated matches on the card- one of them was the long awaited rubber match in a rivalry that stood out during the mid-to later part of last year. One of them was the continuation of a brutal meltdown between two former friends. And one was another rubber match, this one featuring one of the biggest upsets in FFW history.
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Sadly, my teachers tended to disagree with the concept of 2/3 being good. |
Two of them delivered, at least. Briese vs. Hilton was a great back and forth affair, won by Wendy after weathering a late flurry by Crystal, only for Hilton to once again forget that the object is to try and WIN the match, not pull off the dumbest crowd-whoring stunt you can think of. And Cara and Caroline simply outdid themselves in one of the most brutal, personal matches I’d ever seen in my life. Both Wendy and Caroline picked up the second win in their series, which, considering the level of competition they were facing, ain’t bad indeed.
Tara also picked up the rubber match in her series with Hanna Elliot, although this one probably isn’t going to be going on the Best of... DVD’s (save for anyone wanting to highlight the greatest hanging vertical suplex of all time. Seriously, a MINUTE of suspension. Even with a lighter opponent like Elliot, that’s not a small feat.) . The question on everyone’s mind was whether or not Elliot’s win over Thunder last October was a fluke. The answer turned out to be a resounding ‘yes’.
Ah well, like I said before, you’ll be seeing Wendy/Crystal 3 and Cara/Caroline 3 on the highlight reels for a long, long time to come. Two outta three ain’t bad, indeed. And well done to FFW, because the third year looks to be even better than the first two, and while two out of three ain’t bad, three out of three’s even better.
Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t give two flying shits over the fact that Sophia Black is back in FFW, ready to carry on the proud legacy of making everyone else look good, since Charity and Sarah aren’t around to do it anymore.
But god dammit, I just cannot get the final moments of the last Velocity out of my head.
Honestly, I thought the returning wrestler was either going to be Amy or Janette McGraw, or, in the case that I suddenly started channelling Rose Astral, Alexander Stryfe. Sophia Black wasn’t someone I’d have been expecting. Although in hindsight, she probably should have been.
Here’s what concerns me. The last time we saw Black was back in January. When, after a surprise match against Kelly McGuffin, Samantha leaned over, informed Sophia’s services were no longer required, and sent the Siren Sex Kitten’s ass clear on out the door. It was something Samantha’d been wanting to do for a while. After all Sophia had made it clear she wanted a piece of Ms. Star.
And now that exact same Samantha Star’s done gone and personally rehired Sophia back. I guarantee you that she didn’t do this out of the kindness of her own heart. She wants Sophia for a reason, and my guess is that there’s someone in this company who’s become a target in Samantha’s eyes, but she doesn’t currently have the manpower to deal with them (since, y’know, her cronies are all either battling Mackenzie Mafia members or psychotic redhead one-woman-armies. ) So, enter the Black. Who’s it gona be?
Well, whoever it is should be worried. Sophia’s not exactly boasting the best W/L record in the company (or anywhere close to it). But she knows how to inflict damage. Just watch what happened at last year’s Violent Night, when she summarily ended the career of Gretchen Sanders- in her first match back, no less.
So whoever it is, beware, and be ready. You might be beating her in the ring, but I guarantee you theres gonna be a helluva toll to pay in the meantime.
Going into Conviction, I was willing to write Jennifer Williams off as a complete spaz, who’d never been taken seriously. But in her match against Caroline Dallins, she showed something, a spark, and an element of heart that suggested that she was about to get hot. She did in the weeks after Conviction, going on a huge four match winning streak, not counting her epic victory over Casey Atherton in the Future Shock Finals. Coming out of Unstoppable, she was ready to show what she could do againt the top members of FFW.
Despite a great effort that shows that this young lady still has tons of promise, she hasn’t delivered yet that marquee victory this past month offered her. Tara Thunder and Scarlett Kincaid are both top 5 talents, and beating them, especially in consecutive shows, is a tall task for anyone. But the Katherine Stryfe match was certainly winnable, and Jenny let that one get away too.
From a casual glance, it might be easy to assume that Jenny’s blown her chance at the bigtime with this recent spat of defeats. That’s far from the truth- I’d like to meet the woman who could get through that gauntlet untouched with less than a years experience under her belt. But it does show that Jenny has a ways to go to get there.
This is where the heart that we all saw back in May comes into play. The last month has been a disappointment for her, there’s no denying that. But Jenny’s still got a tremendous upside, and it’s not out of the question to envision her in the Television title picture (not to mention the Tag team scene with Crystal) by the end of the year.
Jenny’s just got to remember what got her this far, and keep on truckin’. It’s not going to be as easy as she made things look back in July, but sooner or later, shes gonna get there.
Wow, has it really been almost two months since the conclusion of Season 7? Two months since the epic cage confrontation between Jennifer Williams and Casey Atherton? Two months since yours truly was rightfully announced as the host for Season 8?
Damn well better believe it, bitches!
So, after an epic second-chance season that had all of our old favorites (plus Sarah Peek) returning, we head to Season 8, which again goes back to the old format of untried untested rookies who are ready to make a splash. Only this time, the season’s been supersized to a whopping 8 competitors, which means all the more fun!
We’ve got a battle royal, with all eight women starting in the ring, and of course, it’s over the top, both feet on the floor, last woman in that ring is the winner. Like I pointed out on the challenge preview, this is a great way to get things started. While, obviously, the Season comes down to the final challenge, it’s always nice to get a bit of a heirarchy between the ladies to start the show. This way, the fans have, right in front of them, a list of the wrestlers 1-8, that they know how well they did. Whether or not they follow that list, of course, is entirely up to them.
While it’s hardly a cut and dry thing, battle royals favor size. After all, the larger you are, the harder you are to pick up and flung over the four and a half feet of ring rope, maintaining significant velocity and distance so they clear the apron and tumble to the floor. Sizes and weights of course vary, like they do every year. The Average Future Shock 8 participant is 5’5 and 137 lbs, the smallest being the 5’1 108 lb Abby Fitzgerald, the largest being 6’1 185 (Aimee Easter). That’s 77 pounds and one foot of difference.
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April claims to be rallying against the stereotype against 'larger women' It'd be far more effecitve if most 5'6 176 pound chicks looked this good. |
Aimee’s the biggest, but it’s tough to overlook the 5’6 176 lb Evans. That’s seven inches shorter than Easter, which would suck if we were playing Future Shock basketball. But in a battle royal, that low center of gravity is going to prove VERY advantageous for April. After all, it’s going to be easier to throw out a taller opponent, as their balance is weighed up higher.
Obviously, this model does not weigh into effect things such as talent and strategy, but since we haven’t seen any of these women in the ring yet (save for Danielle Mason, and I doubt being beaten into a DQ win is something she wants us to remember), there’s not much else to go on. Coming out of this, we’ll be able to make much more of an educated guess.
Obviously, I would *love* to see Aimee Easter eliminated here, and if you voters go ahead and make that happen, I’m not going to complain. But history’s shown us that, at least for the first couple rounds, infamy pays off, and Aimee’s gotten her fair share of it from her self-righteous pretentious tweets she’s been drowning us with over the past few months. With eight women, it’s all about separation, you HAVE to stand out from the crowd. In my opinion, there are three or four women who haven’t gained that seperation. Sweet is right smack dab in the middle of that bunch.
This isn’t a knock on Raelyn- hell, I love her attitude, and I think this sport needs more women like her. But (and I might be wrong on this), she’s the only Rookie who didn’t give us an introductory interview. Not a lot of people know a lot about her, and in this competition, being personable is everything. Anonymity is death.
With luck, we’ll see Raelyn come out of her shell here, because she’s not who I want to see go (and is actually in the top half of my preliminary analysis). But until this happens, this is one young lady who’s going to be on the chopping block come decision time.
And its official, ladies and gentlemen, the largest rankings in FFW history! Hell, the largest rankings I’d ever done, since the original incarnation topped out at 50. So we-hoo!
After the discussions revolving around the last incarnations of rankings, I sat down, and reevaluated the way I looked at somethings, and how I kept my notes organizied, to see if I missed anything. After all, while I certainly “am entitled to my opinion” (which is what people say when they aren’t happy, but too much of pussies to actually make a debate out of it), I don’t exactly enjoy being accused of bias. That’s one thing I do try and keep out of these rankings, and I hope this incarnation better reflects that.
But anyways, feel free to join the discussion. I’ll even make us a cute hashtag for it (Its #PowerX, btw). I’m entitled to my opinion, but you’re entitled to yours as well, so quit being a damned pussy and voice it!
#51- HANNA ELLIOT [Returning- Last Ranked 38th on May 12]
Without a shadow of a doubt, Hanna’s got the worst attitude and work ethic in FFW (especially now with Charity and Sarah gone). You don’t just simply spend months begging for a match, then flatline the way she did, and then have the audacity to say she was *proud* of her lackadaisical performance. That’s a great way to make people never want to give her a second chance ever again. That adds onto her actions during the Thunder match- in one of her rare spurts of offense, she tried to pin TARA THUNDER by placing her foot on her chest? Are... you... fucking... kidding me?
Her sister’s not employed anymore, but she still is. Hopefully, this is one oversight that will be corrected soon.
Roxie got a bad draw for her debut- the much, much hyped Shelbi Lynn Carter, and unfortunately for Rox, Shelbi delivered on it. There’s a lot of potential here, though. But she’s got a lot of work to do if she hopes to stand out in this huge new crowd of influxed talent.
Well, she’s proven she’s got huge bazongas and a huger bank account, but it is now officially put up or shut up time for Samara. She came in as a favorite against Candace, and lost. Now she’s an underdog against Hate, but she’s going to be an underdog against pretty much anyone until she can prove that she can win a match. The time is now.
#47- JODIE GRAY [-2]
Whatever she’s doing out at the School of Hard Knocks, or wherever she is, it obviously ain’t working. This is a girl who has wins over Lumina Ferrari and Crysal Hate, but for some reason, she’s somehow gotten a mental block, and it’s lead straiight into a four match losing streak, with a very vicious Raven waiting around the corner to make it 5.
‘Twas certainly an improved performance on her behalf, but it simply wasn’t enough to overcome Rori Mackenzie’s deviousness. Even worse, it looks as if we won’t be seeing her for a while, thanks to a mysterious backstage attack. Get better soon, Nic!
As well as her debut went, her second match pretty much ended up going the exact opposite. Things don’t get any easier for her with Shelbi Lynn Carter next on the dockett.
#44- UNDINE [-1]
Not so easy when you can’t get ahold of your super-soaker, isn’t it? The fans in LA certainly love watching the much-vaunted STFU getting Boinged by Bounce & Pounce, with Undine herself ending up lying flat on her back. Diney’s getting exposed- and not in the way she wants to be.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Danielle Arisu is still a dumbass cunt who can’t win a logical argument to save her life and has to resort to nitpicking for imaginary loopholes to make herself feel smart. But in that ring, at least against Candy Okimura... she looked pretty damned competent. Maybe theres something to her after all.
It’s hard to see if Shelbi’s as good as advertised after one single match, but she certainly didn’t do herself a disservice in her picking apart of Roxie Stevenson. Things are going to get a bit tougher with Candace, but don’t be surprised if SLC works her way into the top half of the rankings - and either TV or Ultraviolence contention- very soon.
#41- RAVEN WICKED [-5]
September 1 marked the one year anniversary of Raven’s last FFW win (which came over Sophia Black, coincidentally). Granted, most of that has to do with inactivity and the ferocity of her competition (too much Camilla, Cara, and Rose for anyone’s health). Still, she’d be best advised to beat Jodie Gray this week.
In the rankings being sandwiched between Undine and Kara Harrington isn’t such a bad thing. In real life, when both of them are staring at you and braying for your blood... not so fun.
Sabra better watch out. Missy here might just be the kiss of death. Every single person she’s faced since her debut has been bumped from these rankings... never to return again!
The drop here really isn’t Penny’s fault, per se. Just, looking at stuff, I realized that thirty-second was a bit of a ridiculously high place to put her after one match, even if her debut was against tougher fair than normal for an incoming wrestler (at least it was before Peek and Deas got fired). She can move back up- once she gets another match, that is.
#37- RAQUEL FAIR [Returning- Last Ranked 23rd on July 14]
So, upon closer examination, maybe I overinflated the Fair’s ranking just a bit, and they let it get to their heads, and that’s why we lost to Eileen Amaro and a girl so bad ass she got kidnapped the next day. It’s rebuilding time. And whatever we build is goinna be dropped on the Williams Clan’s head.
#36- MICKEY SCARBOROUGH [Returning- Last Ranked 24th on July 14]
On the bright side, their latest training exercises got Stephanie Dallins to get rid of that stupid hat. So there’s a plus.
Not to much new on this front. Although how much of a “suck it!” to Jo McFarlane would it be if Mel were to knock off Kelly McGuffin at Velocity?
#34- TRINITY [+3]
Fans (and some wrestlers) are clamoring for the Nun Who Wears None (like it?) to get her ass finally kicked by Serafina Reynolds. Something tells me that with Serafina in such a big match on Breaking Point... she might not even be waiting that long to give Cupcake some grief.
#33- HAYLEY DARK [+7]
I give you exhibit A on the RIGHT way of going out and busting up a five match losing streak. Taking it to your best friend’s sister (who’s kind of a bitch), and punking one of the most brutal tag teams SVW has to offer.
#32- CRYSTAL HATE [-3]
Hopefully Crystal has had some time to train. I have a feeling she’s spent the better part of the last week trying to keep her sister from flying to Kyle Kilmeade’s house and killing him.
The time has finally come for Serafina to claim her Future Shock prize, and she’s doing it against a Wendy Briese who’s hit the height of her FFW career. If she can pull this off... we are going to have a bonafide overnight star on our hands.
#30- IGNIS [-4]
Ignis fell victim to a bit of readjustment this week. But like her partner Hayley, she actually benefited quite a bit from their big win over STFU. But if Ignis personally wants to be seen as on the next level- there’s one woman she’s gotta beat. And she knows damn well who that is.
With Kain out of the picture due to injury, the question of Arianna’s fate is certainly up in the air. From rumors, it sounds like she’ll be content to sit out until Desi comes back, as Ari’s really not here for singles competition. So, does she go back to SVW and challenge Rebecka Hate? Because that’s one painful proposition...
Sabra and Jo came through in a big way at Breaking Point, which snapped a four-match losing streak for the Russian beauty that dated back to June 28. Now that the ship’s righted, Spitfire can really get things going properly, by beating Bounce & Pounce. The tag division is extremely muddled right now, and that benefits Jo and Sabra more than anyone else.
#27- KARA HARRINGTON [Returning - Last Ranked 37th on May 12]
Well, maybe now that Kara’s gone and won two successive matches (including a submission over Emma MacNamara) she might decide to stick around for a bit. That’s not good news for anyone that Kara’s decided to set her sights on. This girl be vicious.
It’s easy to write Lumina off from time to time, she does seem to get lost in the shuffle. But that tends to be the way she likes it, especially when it comes to tournaments like the Chase for the Crown. And, believe it or not, she’s won three of her last five. Don’t count her out at S&S
Shane and I have something in common! We were both on the receiving end of a bitch-rant from Isabella Pazzini this week. Although, I suppose that unlike mine, Shane’s was probably justified.
At this point, I’m not sure even Crystal herself is sure of what she wants at this point, and that lack of clarity clearly cost her against Wendy. Obviously, she wants to make amends for past deeds, and gain some good graces with the fans. A great way to start that would be to beat Rori Mackenzie at Sin & Sacrifice.
#23- VALERIE LAMB [+1]
No shame in losing to Colleen, especially as good and close a match as that was. But call this a wild prediction: that Femme For All match at S&S we’re hearing about? She’s going to be in it.
#22- JO MCFARLANE [+1]
Sabra may have gotten the fall, but Jo’s taking out of Arianna to enable the pin was absolutely fantastic. We honestly need to see more performances from Jo like that. We can get it, too, against Bounce & Pounce.
#21- DESIRAE KAIN [-2]
It’s sad to hear of Kain’s leg injury that’s going to knock her out for a month, but to be honest, if anyone deserves a rest, it’s her. With sixteen, Desi’s been in the most matches of anyone in 2012, and if the results of the last couple of months are an indication, she’s likely just a little burned out. Hopefully she uses her month on the DL to rest up, and come back as blazing hot as we’ve known her to be.
Like I said earlier, Jenny’s run these last couple of weeks is a clear indication that while she’s definitely improved over the course of the year, she’s still not quite ready for that highest level. She’s got a lot of stuff to build on, but job one is to resolidify her partnership with Crystal Hilton, and remember what the attitude was that got her to the level she’s been to.
Rori wrestles. Rori cheats. Rori wins. Rori says ridiculous shit with no bearing in logic trying to prove how evil she is. Rinse, wash, repeat, until the wrestling gods finally book her against an opponent who completely wrecks her, and exposes this bitch for the fraud she is.
#18- LIGHTNING [+9]
Alright, fine. I acquiesced. Everyone thought Lightning deserved to be moved up, so here you are, Top 20. Ironically, this is more due to her performance in her one loss than anything she’s done in a win. Remember, she may have taken four outta five so far this year, but that’s over Allison Deas (twice), Elizabeth Showtime, and Jodie Gray. Beat Summer though... now we’re talking.
Remember last year, when Sophie and I sat together on television, and ran over Belladonna several times with a bus? Good times, but things certainly have chaged since those days... mainly Sophie’s attitude. Month’s ago, everyone was clamoring for her to be the TV champion. Now, no one wants her to win at Firewall and become Evolution Champion.
Emma came out of spring completely on fire, but unfortunately, as the summer’s gone on, this is one heat that’s broken a bit. She’s lost five of her last six, and tapping out to Kara Harrington is not the way you tell the world you’re an FFW title contender. Emma needs to get focused, and fast, and has the opportunity to do so at Breaking Point. She’s one of the leaders of the Mafia, she needs to step up.
Don’t look now, but Katherine’s gone and won three out of four matches, her lone loss coming to Colleen. After all she did to push herself out, I can’t see her getting into the FFW title picture again anytime soon. But an attempt at the Evolution or even the No Surrender isn’t implausably out of the question.
#14- COLLEEN [+3]
Some might say that I’m overinflating Colleen a bit, but considering she’s knocked off an otherwise resurging Kat Stryfe and Valerie Lamb... I don’t think so. Now if only she’d shut up about having ‘burned her bridges’ and ‘not expecting another chance’. She’s gotten her damn job back, right? I don’t think she got hired to be window dressing.
Casey’s tough to gauge. as she’s undefeated in tag team competition, but has yet to get a win outside of it this year. Still, don’t think that Starla’s piggybacking her through their thus far unbroken Unity dominance. Casey accounts for 54% of Team Adonis’ offense, and has landed the final blow just as many times as her partner has.
Placing Camilla this high was certainly a controversial decision, it turned out. But upon looking at facts, can you really justify her being any lower? Sure, she’s had a fairly light schedule- only six matches thus far in 2012. But she’s one five of them, most with flying colors, and the fact is, her activity (or lack thereof) is what’s keeping her from the top 5, not the top 15 or even top 10.
While Lumina and Jennifer stumble around her, Kelly remains pat (although it probably doesn’t hurt that she hasn’t had to get into the ring recently.). Still, she remains a clear cut favorite to win the third Chase. However, Jennifer and Lumina have no doubt realized that by now. The elimination nature of the chase means that it’s highly possible for two women to gang up on the third, and eliminate her to settle the matter between themselves. Is this what Kelly could be looking at?
With Kain’s injury, Team Adonis gets a slight reprieve from defending their titles- at least until after Sin & Sacrifice. Though that leaves an interesting question- she hasn’t teamed with anyone but Casey for a good long while. There’s no doubt her devotion to the Power Trip is strong, but how will that affect her chemistry for the War Games match?
I mentioned this stat on Twitter, but I think it bears repeating. With 10, Eileen’s got more wins iin 2012 than any other Femme Fatale, and heads towards the next Velocity on a four match winning streak. She’s competing on the next four shows- could that streak be extended to eight?
The last thing Cara wanted to do was go down to Caroline- in a no disqualification match no less- but it is what it is. She’s looking to be out of the ring until Sin & Sacrifice, which should be good for her. Gives her time to wind down, get her head back on straight, and get herself ready for War Games.
Is it just me, or does Kitty always go really really quiet for a month or so after suffering a tough loss? And also, is it just me, or does Kitty look a lot like the girl in those “First World Problem” memes? The mystery continues.
It seems incredibly likely that Caroline’s course is going to take her towards one of the ‘niche’ championships. Now that she’s bested the UV champion at her own game, does Caroline go after Cara’s title next? Or will she decide on the No Surrender belt? Either way, Caroline’s next match is going to be in the cage at War Games, where she faces both champions.
Exactly one week before Sin & Sacrifice will be the Autumnal Equinox, and the end of summer. Is that an omen for Summer the wrestler, who will be entering her title defense against Lightning on an 8-match win streak? Let’s hope not.
So, anyone else catch Isabella’s pathetic little whine-fest at Breaking Point? Right, I made a joke about her not being in the main event at Sin & Sacrifice, and somehow she thinks I’m disrespecting the FFW title. She’s just dodging the real issue- her inability to beat Scarlett Kincaid. Again, and again, and...
Did anyone else find it funny that Hanna Elliot had the audacity to call Tara boring, and then Tara went and pulled off one of the most epically awesome moves in FFW history on her? Who’s the Bitch now, indeed!
Wendy took her rubber match with Crystal personally (even more so than the one against Starla, it seems), and it paid off dividends. Now for her to avoid becoming the first victim of a successful Future Shock cash in since Season 3.
Took care of business against Jennifer Williams. Scarlett remains undefeated in singles matches where there is not a title on the line. That’s a damned impressive streak right there.
It’s the final push to Firewall and Sin & Sacrifice, and everyone is getting ready! Two more shows, and dear god, they couldn’t be any futher apart. We’re going from the scorching desert to the northeastern forests, and everywhere in between, people will be tuning into the best (non-naked) female wrestling to be seen under the sun!
So after coming home to FFW’s ‘hometown’ Los Angeles, off we go back around America, taking a short hop out to the desert and the capital of the Grand Canyon State. It might be the co-main status, but the highlight of the night is certainly going to be Wendy vs. Serafina, in what should prove to be a tremendous rookie vs. veteran match with Wendy’s No Surrender championship on the line. From the talk around the web, Wendy’s considered a fave here, but for some reason, I’m nervous about this one... especially considered the wildcard that could be Trinity.
Also being featured tonight (as its been so much recently) is tag team action, with a huge star-studded main event between the Mafia and the Power Trip. Interesting bit on the Power Trip team, though- Isabella is likely not going ot be in the War Games cage, unless Samantha really wants her to be double-booked on a night she faces Scarlett. So, this is her best chance to stick it to the Mafia. Also of note is that the Power Trip’s War Games team will be announced tonight by Samanatha, so we’ll finally know which five women will be involved.
Right now, the tag division itself is somewhat accordioned. You have Team Adonis clearly out in front, but right now, Spitfire, Scarborough Fair, the Williams Clan, Bounce & Pounce, and Pink, Inc are too tightly together. Pink, Inc. will be getting the next title shot, unles Kains return from injury is delayed. But the rest of the teams need to get some seperation. Scarborough Fair and The Williams Clan get that shot tonight, in what’s going to be a must-win for both teams.
A few must wins are also on the show. Raven Wicked and Jodie Gray go at it, with Raven a clear favorite there, while Crystal Hate hopes to keep her winning ways going against Samara Steele, who wants to not fall on her face again. And we’ll be getting more debuts, with newcomer Skye Sapphire facing off against Mia Rivera in her long-awaited return.
Trivia Time: When was the last time FFW has broadcast a show from the Eastern Time Zone? If you guessed the March 17 show in Indianapolis, a winner is you! SUCK ON THAT, EASTERN BITCHES!
Anyways, who wants bad blood? We got bad blood. Mostly Shane Sanders, all over the arena, if Eileen gets her way. Obviously the hatred between these two has been brewing a long time, only getting exacerbated at SVW’s Climax when Shane walked in and hit her brother (and Eileen’s beau), with a chair. Eileen demanded this match, and got it. The last time they faced, Shane weaseled out with a DQ, and Eileen’s not about to let that happen again. Look for this one to be completely bloody.
The main event won’t be as hate-filled- yet, at least- but it will be an interesting preview of the coming Evolution Ladder Match, and it should give one girl or another a psychological edge. The big thing is, if Crystal wants to become Evolution Champion again, she needs to be smart for once in her life. That means that realizing ladders are for climbing and grabbing titles, not for jumping off when there’s absolutely no purpose to it. If she can show a bit of maturity and restraint tonight, she’ll be better suited for Firewall.
Clusterfuck: Tag Team Edition continues with Bounce & Pounce taking on Spitfire. Spitfire got B&P’s goat in the Eight Femme, but Hayley and Ignis are coming off a huge win over STFU. More battling to see who is going to get that all important title shot. Kelly McGuffin doesn’t need to battle for a title shot, at least not until Sin & Sacrifice, but she can get some bonus points by knocking off TV Division mainstay Mel Avilo, who’s looking to get stuff rolling again.
Lightning returns to the ring, to test her brand new Top 20 ranking against Crystal Hate. Hate’ll be coming off a match against Samara Steele, so she’ll be looking to either keep her streak going, or redeem herself. And Shelbi Lynn Carter gets some more fresh meat to chew on, this time in the form of Candace Okimura, who’s out to prove that her match against Arisu was a fluke.
As I said before, I like people with opinions, who aren’t afraid to voice them (although being able to actually base them in logic is a plus). One who has an opinion is Keiji Mitsuhide, who’s quick to give the opinion that I’m a horrible person (because I make fun of Robbyn Helmsley, no less!). Anyways, as an Olive Branch to the dual-personality mist spewing freak from Japan, I decided to offer him a chance at awards this week. He graciously accepted. So without further ado, the man they call FUMA... Keiji!
I would like to say this was incredibly challenging set of choices to make, the Anniversary show was spectacular, and Velocity was almost just as thrilling. I could have easily done a top three for each…but that is not how this works.
MATCH OF THE WEEK: Eight Femme Tag Team Collision
This was an exceptionally difficult choice to make. There were so many phenomenal matches on both shows, and just about everything on Breaking Point was the same level of a Pay Per View event in my opinion. But I'd have to say out of all the matches, the one that caught my eye the most was Breaking Point's Eight Femme Tag team Collision.
From start to finish this match was borderline anarchy, bodies flying left and right. A perfect example of what makes a breath taking encounter. All teams performed as they should, no remorse, no holding back. It was intense from even before the bell rang. I have no opinion on any of the combatants personally, but I must commend Spitfire on picking up the win for their side, proving that they are truly a force to be reckoned with.
Personally, I was pleasantly surprised by the lack if infighting on both sides, specifically between Bounce & Pounce and Pink Inc, who’ve been in some pretty bitter matches before. Anyways runners up!
- Dallins vs. Stone (As brutal and intense and emotional as the first two encounters. Its a shame Dallins won, not only because she’s Power Trip, but because it likely won’t mean a fourth encounter between the two, which would be awesome)
- Stryfe vs. Williams (both women wrestled desperate, and it was sad to see Jenny lose another tough one. But credit to Stryfe, who may finally be righting her own ship)
WINNER OF THE WEEK: Danielle Arisu
This will surely get some buzz for this, but it is an opinion column so I will express my own. Winner of the Week goes to Danielle Arisu. A woman I have seen compete back in Japan both beside and against for months at a time, finally making her North American Re-debut on Velocity. The match was nothing short of impressive, as she went toe to toe with Candace Okimura. The match was hard fought by both parties, but Danielle pulled out all the stops with her dangerous 'Intoxication". Welcome back Danielle-chan.
Wow, and you guys all accuse ME of unvarnished bias...
- Tara Thunder (There aren’t enough words to describe how awesome that hanging vertical suplex was. It was the perfect ‘fuck you’ to a lippy brat who’s mouth wrote checks her ass couldn’t handle)
- Bounce & Pounce (no team needed a win more than B&P, and to get it over the hated STFU was what the doctor ordered.)
LOSER OF THE WEEK: Crystal Hilton
I felt it appropriate to first say that I mean this in the most respectful way possible. Crystal Hilton, while known for her arrogance, it seems she is slowly becoming far more humbled day by day. Surely having a great deal to the unfortunate attack on her husband. That being said I feel she is an amazing competitor, and for that reason I chose her for Loser of the Week. Why you ask? Because she put on a phenomenal match, despite what is going on in her personal life. Husband in the hospital, daughter at home, life a mess…and there she was, putting one of the best matches I have seen in quite a while against Wendy Briese. Alas she lost, hence why I placed her in this category. All that effort, all that pain, and no pay out. Though there is still much promise for her, in my opinion.
There is promise, but remember, she brought it on herself by going too big for no reason. So It’s tough to feel TOO much sympathy, at least on my end.
- Jennifer Williams (Now her partner, I can be a bit more huggy about. That was too tough a stretch, and J-Will’s better than the three losses she took during it)
- Pink Inc. (Worst time in the world to lose Desi like that. Hopefully when Kain comes back in a month, they’re back to the ways we remember them.)
DOUCHEBAG OF THE WEEK: Undine & Rori Mackenzie
This "Award" was possibly the most troublesome for me to decide upon. I do not know the FFW roster as well as I would like, and to be honest I am not one to focus much on such negativity in this sense. So that being said I personally could not come to a single choice, so I opted to make it a tie. The tie being Undine & Rori Mackenzie.
Undine I had to choose for her despicable use of that "Water" gun. It was not her match, it was not a hardcore or no DQ competition…it was uncalled for and honestly cowardly…despite being crafty. Rori for a simple fact of her lack of any real sense of honor. Barring what she has done in prior shows, her actions on Twitter and during this night are more than enough for me to want to include her. Trash talking happens, but when it goes to the point of insulting the hospitalized man (who is in there because of her), and such actions not only in the ring, but in a public forum such as twitter…I cannot leave her from this "award".
Honestly, I thought it was gonna be me here. But two solid choices, no doubt.
- Hanna Elliot (Almost forgot to mention her accusing Tara Thunder of stealing material. Please... just please stop wasting our time until you actually know what the hell you’re doing.)
- Kara Harrington (Making a former FFW Champion tap out? Good thing. Publicly saying you want to play Dexter with her kids? Not so good thing.)
And... that will take care of that!
Once again, thanks for reading everyone, and be on the lookout for two weeks time for one more edition of the Power X... not to mention the upcoming FIREWALL & SIN AND SACRIFICE PREVIEW COLUMN! Yeah, we’re going all out! (And if you would like to volunteer to write a bit for that, please volunteer!)
Until then...
Daniel Pollaski is an independent wrestling columnist, SVW wrestler, and the manager of FFW stars Wendy Briese and the Scarborough Fair. He’d also like to remind everyone that Dawgs rule, and the Cougars drool. Fuck you, Wazzu!
Obviously, this model does not weigh into effect things such as talent and strategy, but since we haven’t seen any of these women in the ring yet (save for Danielle Mason, and I doubt being beaten into a DQ win is something she wants us to remember), there’s not much else to go on. Coming out of this, we’ll be able to make much more of an educated guess.
Obviously, I would *love* to see Aimee Easter eliminated here, and if you voters go ahead and make that happen, I’m not going to complain. But history’s shown us that, at least for the first couple rounds, infamy pays off, and Aimee’s gotten her fair share of it from her self-righteous pretentious tweets she’s been drowning us with over the past few months. With eight women, it’s all about separation, you HAVE to stand out from the crowd. In my opinion, there are three or four women who haven’t gained that seperation. Sweet is right smack dab in the middle of that bunch.
This isn’t a knock on Raelyn- hell, I love her attitude, and I think this sport needs more women like her. But (and I might be wrong on this), she’s the only Rookie who didn’t give us an introductory interview. Not a lot of people know a lot about her, and in this competition, being personable is everything. Anonymity is death.
With luck, we’ll see Raelyn come out of her shell here, because she’s not who I want to see go (and is actually in the top half of my preliminary analysis). But until this happens, this is one young lady who’s going to be on the chopping block come decision time.
And its official, ladies and gentlemen, the largest rankings in FFW history! Hell, the largest rankings I’d ever done, since the original incarnation topped out at 50. So we-hoo!
After the discussions revolving around the last incarnations of rankings, I sat down, and reevaluated the way I looked at somethings, and how I kept my notes organizied, to see if I missed anything. After all, while I certainly “am entitled to my opinion” (which is what people say when they aren’t happy, but too much of pussies to actually make a debate out of it), I don’t exactly enjoy being accused of bias. That’s one thing I do try and keep out of these rankings, and I hope this incarnation better reflects that.
But anyways, feel free to join the discussion. I’ll even make us a cute hashtag for it (Its #PowerX, btw). I’m entitled to my opinion, but you’re entitled to yours as well, so quit being a damned pussy and voice it!
#51- HANNA ELLIOT [Returning- Last Ranked 38th on May 12]
Without a shadow of a doubt, Hanna’s got the worst attitude and work ethic in FFW (especially now with Charity and Sarah gone). You don’t just simply spend months begging for a match, then flatline the way she did, and then have the audacity to say she was *proud* of her lackadaisical performance. That’s a great way to make people never want to give her a second chance ever again. That adds onto her actions during the Thunder match- in one of her rare spurts of offense, she tried to pin TARA THUNDER by placing her foot on her chest? Are... you... fucking... kidding me?
Her sister’s not employed anymore, but she still is. Hopefully, this is one oversight that will be corrected soon.
Roxie got a bad draw for her debut- the much, much hyped Shelbi Lynn Carter, and unfortunately for Rox, Shelbi delivered on it. There’s a lot of potential here, though. But she’s got a lot of work to do if she hopes to stand out in this huge new crowd of influxed talent.
Well, she’s proven she’s got huge bazongas and a huger bank account, but it is now officially put up or shut up time for Samara. She came in as a favorite against Candace, and lost. Now she’s an underdog against Hate, but she’s going to be an underdog against pretty much anyone until she can prove that she can win a match. The time is now.
#47- JODIE GRAY [-2]
Whatever she’s doing out at the School of Hard Knocks, or wherever she is, it obviously ain’t working. This is a girl who has wins over Lumina Ferrari and Crysal Hate, but for some reason, she’s somehow gotten a mental block, and it’s lead straiight into a four match losing streak, with a very vicious Raven waiting around the corner to make it 5.
‘Twas certainly an improved performance on her behalf, but it simply wasn’t enough to overcome Rori Mackenzie’s deviousness. Even worse, it looks as if we won’t be seeing her for a while, thanks to a mysterious backstage attack. Get better soon, Nic!
As well as her debut went, her second match pretty much ended up going the exact opposite. Things don’t get any easier for her with Shelbi Lynn Carter next on the dockett.
#44- UNDINE [-1]
Not so easy when you can’t get ahold of your super-soaker, isn’t it? The fans in LA certainly love watching the much-vaunted STFU getting Boinged by Bounce & Pounce, with Undine herself ending up lying flat on her back. Diney’s getting exposed- and not in the way she wants to be.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Danielle Arisu is still a dumbass cunt who can’t win a logical argument to save her life and has to resort to nitpicking for imaginary loopholes to make herself feel smart. But in that ring, at least against Candy Okimura... she looked pretty damned competent. Maybe theres something to her after all.
It’s hard to see if Shelbi’s as good as advertised after one single match, but she certainly didn’t do herself a disservice in her picking apart of Roxie Stevenson. Things are going to get a bit tougher with Candace, but don’t be surprised if SLC works her way into the top half of the rankings - and either TV or Ultraviolence contention- very soon.
#41- RAVEN WICKED [-5]
September 1 marked the one year anniversary of Raven’s last FFW win (which came over Sophia Black, coincidentally). Granted, most of that has to do with inactivity and the ferocity of her competition (too much Camilla, Cara, and Rose for anyone’s health). Still, she’d be best advised to beat Jodie Gray this week.
In the rankings being sandwiched between Undine and Kara Harrington isn’t such a bad thing. In real life, when both of them are staring at you and braying for your blood... not so fun.
Sabra better watch out. Missy here might just be the kiss of death. Every single person she’s faced since her debut has been bumped from these rankings... never to return again!
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I propose that we make this Penny's new logo. Then the "P" can stand for "Pain" instead of "Eternally mediocre football team" |
The drop here really isn’t Penny’s fault, per se. Just, looking at stuff, I realized that thirty-second was a bit of a ridiculously high place to put her after one match, even if her debut was against tougher fair than normal for an incoming wrestler (at least it was before Peek and Deas got fired). She can move back up- once she gets another match, that is.
#37- RAQUEL FAIR [Returning- Last Ranked 23rd on July 14]
So, upon closer examination, maybe I overinflated the Fair’s ranking just a bit, and they let it get to their heads, and that’s why we lost to Eileen Amaro and a girl so bad ass she got kidnapped the next day. It’s rebuilding time. And whatever we build is goinna be dropped on the Williams Clan’s head.
#36- MICKEY SCARBOROUGH [Returning- Last Ranked 24th on July 14]
On the bright side, their latest training exercises got Stephanie Dallins to get rid of that stupid hat. So there’s a plus.
Not to much new on this front. Although how much of a “suck it!” to Jo McFarlane would it be if Mel were to knock off Kelly McGuffin at Velocity?
#34- TRINITY [+3]
Fans (and some wrestlers) are clamoring for the Nun Who Wears None (like it?) to get her ass finally kicked by Serafina Reynolds. Something tells me that with Serafina in such a big match on Breaking Point... she might not even be waiting that long to give Cupcake some grief.
#33- HAYLEY DARK [+7]
I give you exhibit A on the RIGHT way of going out and busting up a five match losing streak. Taking it to your best friend’s sister (who’s kind of a bitch), and punking one of the most brutal tag teams SVW has to offer.
#32- CRYSTAL HATE [-3]
Hopefully Crystal has had some time to train. I have a feeling she’s spent the better part of the last week trying to keep her sister from flying to Kyle Kilmeade’s house and killing him.
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Remember the good old days when "cupcake" meant your opponent was gonna be EASY? |
The time has finally come for Serafina to claim her Future Shock prize, and she’s doing it against a Wendy Briese who’s hit the height of her FFW career. If she can pull this off... we are going to have a bonafide overnight star on our hands.
#30- IGNIS [-4]
Ignis fell victim to a bit of readjustment this week. But like her partner Hayley, she actually benefited quite a bit from their big win over STFU. But if Ignis personally wants to be seen as on the next level- there’s one woman she’s gotta beat. And she knows damn well who that is.
With Kain out of the picture due to injury, the question of Arianna’s fate is certainly up in the air. From rumors, it sounds like she’ll be content to sit out until Desi comes back, as Ari’s really not here for singles competition. So, does she go back to SVW and challenge Rebecka Hate? Because that’s one painful proposition...
Sabra and Jo came through in a big way at Breaking Point, which snapped a four-match losing streak for the Russian beauty that dated back to June 28. Now that the ship’s righted, Spitfire can really get things going properly, by beating Bounce & Pounce. The tag division is extremely muddled right now, and that benefits Jo and Sabra more than anyone else.
#27- KARA HARRINGTON [Returning - Last Ranked 37th on May 12]
Well, maybe now that Kara’s gone and won two successive matches (including a submission over Emma MacNamara) she might decide to stick around for a bit. That’s not good news for anyone that Kara’s decided to set her sights on. This girl be vicious.
It’s easy to write Lumina off from time to time, she does seem to get lost in the shuffle. But that tends to be the way she likes it, especially when it comes to tournaments like the Chase for the Crown. And, believe it or not, she’s won three of her last five. Don’t count her out at S&S
Shane and I have something in common! We were both on the receiving end of a bitch-rant from Isabella Pazzini this week. Although, I suppose that unlike mine, Shane’s was probably justified.
At this point, I’m not sure even Crystal herself is sure of what she wants at this point, and that lack of clarity clearly cost her against Wendy. Obviously, she wants to make amends for past deeds, and gain some good graces with the fans. A great way to start that would be to beat Rori Mackenzie at Sin & Sacrifice.
#23- VALERIE LAMB [+1]
No shame in losing to Colleen, especially as good and close a match as that was. But call this a wild prediction: that Femme For All match at S&S we’re hearing about? She’s going to be in it.
#22- JO MCFARLANE [+1]
Sabra may have gotten the fall, but Jo’s taking out of Arianna to enable the pin was absolutely fantastic. We honestly need to see more performances from Jo like that. We can get it, too, against Bounce & Pounce.
#21- DESIRAE KAIN [-2]
It’s sad to hear of Kain’s leg injury that’s going to knock her out for a month, but to be honest, if anyone deserves a rest, it’s her. With sixteen, Desi’s been in the most matches of anyone in 2012, and if the results of the last couple of months are an indication, she’s likely just a little burned out. Hopefully she uses her month on the DL to rest up, and come back as blazing hot as we’ve known her to be.
Like I said earlier, Jenny’s run these last couple of weeks is a clear indication that while she’s definitely improved over the course of the year, she’s still not quite ready for that highest level. She’s got a lot of stuff to build on, but job one is to resolidify her partnership with Crystal Hilton, and remember what the attitude was that got her to the level she’s been to.
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For just the low, low price of your ETERNAL MORTAL SOUL, you too can have your very own RORIANETTE! |
Rori wrestles. Rori cheats. Rori wins. Rori says ridiculous shit with no bearing in logic trying to prove how evil she is. Rinse, wash, repeat, until the wrestling gods finally book her against an opponent who completely wrecks her, and exposes this bitch for the fraud she is.
#18- LIGHTNING [+9]
Alright, fine. I acquiesced. Everyone thought Lightning deserved to be moved up, so here you are, Top 20. Ironically, this is more due to her performance in her one loss than anything she’s done in a win. Remember, she may have taken four outta five so far this year, but that’s over Allison Deas (twice), Elizabeth Showtime, and Jodie Gray. Beat Summer though... now we’re talking.
Remember last year, when Sophie and I sat together on television, and ran over Belladonna several times with a bus? Good times, but things certainly have chaged since those days... mainly Sophie’s attitude. Month’s ago, everyone was clamoring for her to be the TV champion. Now, no one wants her to win at Firewall and become Evolution Champion.
Emma came out of spring completely on fire, but unfortunately, as the summer’s gone on, this is one heat that’s broken a bit. She’s lost five of her last six, and tapping out to Kara Harrington is not the way you tell the world you’re an FFW title contender. Emma needs to get focused, and fast, and has the opportunity to do so at Breaking Point. She’s one of the leaders of the Mafia, she needs to step up.
Don’t look now, but Katherine’s gone and won three out of four matches, her lone loss coming to Colleen. After all she did to push herself out, I can’t see her getting into the FFW title picture again anytime soon. But an attempt at the Evolution or even the No Surrender isn’t implausably out of the question.
#14- COLLEEN [+3]
Some might say that I’m overinflating Colleen a bit, but considering she’s knocked off an otherwise resurging Kat Stryfe and Valerie Lamb... I don’t think so. Now if only she’d shut up about having ‘burned her bridges’ and ‘not expecting another chance’. She’s gotten her damn job back, right? I don’t think she got hired to be window dressing.
Casey’s tough to gauge. as she’s undefeated in tag team competition, but has yet to get a win outside of it this year. Still, don’t think that Starla’s piggybacking her through their thus far unbroken Unity dominance. Casey accounts for 54% of Team Adonis’ offense, and has landed the final blow just as many times as her partner has.
Placing Camilla this high was certainly a controversial decision, it turned out. But upon looking at facts, can you really justify her being any lower? Sure, she’s had a fairly light schedule- only six matches thus far in 2012. But she’s one five of them, most with flying colors, and the fact is, her activity (or lack thereof) is what’s keeping her from the top 5, not the top 15 or even top 10.
While Lumina and Jennifer stumble around her, Kelly remains pat (although it probably doesn’t hurt that she hasn’t had to get into the ring recently.). Still, she remains a clear cut favorite to win the third Chase. However, Jennifer and Lumina have no doubt realized that by now. The elimination nature of the chase means that it’s highly possible for two women to gang up on the third, and eliminate her to settle the matter between themselves. Is this what Kelly could be looking at?
With Kain’s injury, Team Adonis gets a slight reprieve from defending their titles- at least until after Sin & Sacrifice. Though that leaves an interesting question- she hasn’t teamed with anyone but Casey for a good long while. There’s no doubt her devotion to the Power Trip is strong, but how will that affect her chemistry for the War Games match?
I mentioned this stat on Twitter, but I think it bears repeating. With 10, Eileen’s got more wins iin 2012 than any other Femme Fatale, and heads towards the next Velocity on a four match winning streak. She’s competing on the next four shows- could that streak be extended to eight?
The last thing Cara wanted to do was go down to Caroline- in a no disqualification match no less- but it is what it is. She’s looking to be out of the ring until Sin & Sacrifice, which should be good for her. Gives her time to wind down, get her head back on straight, and get herself ready for War Games.
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I know that feeling, bro. |
Is it just me, or does Kitty always go really really quiet for a month or so after suffering a tough loss? And also, is it just me, or does Kitty look a lot like the girl in those “First World Problem” memes? The mystery continues.
It seems incredibly likely that Caroline’s course is going to take her towards one of the ‘niche’ championships. Now that she’s bested the UV champion at her own game, does Caroline go after Cara’s title next? Or will she decide on the No Surrender belt? Either way, Caroline’s next match is going to be in the cage at War Games, where she faces both champions.
Exactly one week before Sin & Sacrifice will be the Autumnal Equinox, and the end of summer. Is that an omen for Summer the wrestler, who will be entering her title defense against Lightning on an 8-match win streak? Let’s hope not.
So, anyone else catch Isabella’s pathetic little whine-fest at Breaking Point? Right, I made a joke about her not being in the main event at Sin & Sacrifice, and somehow she thinks I’m disrespecting the FFW title. She’s just dodging the real issue- her inability to beat Scarlett Kincaid. Again, and again, and...
Did anyone else find it funny that Hanna Elliot had the audacity to call Tara boring, and then Tara went and pulled off one of the most epically awesome moves in FFW history on her? Who’s the Bitch now, indeed!
Wendy took her rubber match with Crystal personally (even more so than the one against Starla, it seems), and it paid off dividends. Now for her to avoid becoming the first victim of a successful Future Shock cash in since Season 3.
Took care of business against Jennifer Williams. Scarlett remains undefeated in singles matches where there is not a title on the line. That’s a damned impressive streak right there.
It’s the final push to Firewall and Sin & Sacrifice, and everyone is getting ready! Two more shows, and dear god, they couldn’t be any futher apart. We’re going from the scorching desert to the northeastern forests, and everywhere in between, people will be tuning into the best (non-naked) female wrestling to be seen under the sun!
So after coming home to FFW’s ‘hometown’ Los Angeles, off we go back around America, taking a short hop out to the desert and the capital of the Grand Canyon State. It might be the co-main status, but the highlight of the night is certainly going to be Wendy vs. Serafina, in what should prove to be a tremendous rookie vs. veteran match with Wendy’s No Surrender championship on the line. From the talk around the web, Wendy’s considered a fave here, but for some reason, I’m nervous about this one... especially considered the wildcard that could be Trinity.
Also being featured tonight (as its been so much recently) is tag team action, with a huge star-studded main event between the Mafia and the Power Trip. Interesting bit on the Power Trip team, though- Isabella is likely not going ot be in the War Games cage, unless Samantha really wants her to be double-booked on a night she faces Scarlett. So, this is her best chance to stick it to the Mafia. Also of note is that the Power Trip’s War Games team will be announced tonight by Samanatha, so we’ll finally know which five women will be involved.
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"Oh, it's there! It's just a really REALLY big beach" |
Right now, the tag division itself is somewhat accordioned. You have Team Adonis clearly out in front, but right now, Spitfire, Scarborough Fair, the Williams Clan, Bounce & Pounce, and Pink, Inc are too tightly together. Pink, Inc. will be getting the next title shot, unles Kains return from injury is delayed. But the rest of the teams need to get some seperation. Scarborough Fair and The Williams Clan get that shot tonight, in what’s going to be a must-win for both teams.
A few must wins are also on the show. Raven Wicked and Jodie Gray go at it, with Raven a clear favorite there, while Crystal Hate hopes to keep her winning ways going against Samara Steele, who wants to not fall on her face again. And we’ll be getting more debuts, with newcomer Skye Sapphire facing off against Mia Rivera in her long-awaited return.
Trivia Time: When was the last time FFW has broadcast a show from the Eastern Time Zone? If you guessed the March 17 show in Indianapolis, a winner is you! SUCK ON THAT, EASTERN BITCHES!
Anyways, who wants bad blood? We got bad blood. Mostly Shane Sanders, all over the arena, if Eileen gets her way. Obviously the hatred between these two has been brewing a long time, only getting exacerbated at SVW’s Climax when Shane walked in and hit her brother (and Eileen’s beau), with a chair. Eileen demanded this match, and got it. The last time they faced, Shane weaseled out with a DQ, and Eileen’s not about to let that happen again. Look for this one to be completely bloody.
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It's a mark of Samantha's evilness that she books us for New England one month BEFORE the leaves change |
The main event won’t be as hate-filled- yet, at least- but it will be an interesting preview of the coming Evolution Ladder Match, and it should give one girl or another a psychological edge. The big thing is, if Crystal wants to become Evolution Champion again, she needs to be smart for once in her life. That means that realizing ladders are for climbing and grabbing titles, not for jumping off when there’s absolutely no purpose to it. If she can show a bit of maturity and restraint tonight, she’ll be better suited for Firewall.
Clusterfuck: Tag Team Edition continues with Bounce & Pounce taking on Spitfire. Spitfire got B&P’s goat in the Eight Femme, but Hayley and Ignis are coming off a huge win over STFU. More battling to see who is going to get that all important title shot. Kelly McGuffin doesn’t need to battle for a title shot, at least not until Sin & Sacrifice, but she can get some bonus points by knocking off TV Division mainstay Mel Avilo, who’s looking to get stuff rolling again.
Lightning returns to the ring, to test her brand new Top 20 ranking against Crystal Hate. Hate’ll be coming off a match against Samara Steele, so she’ll be looking to either keep her streak going, or redeem herself. And Shelbi Lynn Carter gets some more fresh meat to chew on, this time in the form of Candace Okimura, who’s out to prove that her match against Arisu was a fluke.
As I said before, I like people with opinions, who aren’t afraid to voice them (although being able to actually base them in logic is a plus). One who has an opinion is Keiji Mitsuhide, who’s quick to give the opinion that I’m a horrible person (because I make fun of Robbyn Helmsley, no less!). Anyways, as an Olive Branch to the dual-personality mist spewing freak from Japan, I decided to offer him a chance at awards this week. He graciously accepted. So without further ado, the man they call FUMA... Keiji!
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I would like to say this was incredibly challenging set of choices to make, the Anniversary show was spectacular, and Velocity was almost just as thrilling. I could have easily done a top three for each…but that is not how this works.
MATCH OF THE WEEK: Eight Femme Tag Team Collision
This was an exceptionally difficult choice to make. There were so many phenomenal matches on both shows, and just about everything on Breaking Point was the same level of a Pay Per View event in my opinion. But I'd have to say out of all the matches, the one that caught my eye the most was Breaking Point's Eight Femme Tag team Collision.
From start to finish this match was borderline anarchy, bodies flying left and right. A perfect example of what makes a breath taking encounter. All teams performed as they should, no remorse, no holding back. It was intense from even before the bell rang. I have no opinion on any of the combatants personally, but I must commend Spitfire on picking up the win for their side, proving that they are truly a force to be reckoned with.
Personally, I was pleasantly surprised by the lack if infighting on both sides, specifically between Bounce & Pounce and Pink Inc, who’ve been in some pretty bitter matches before. Anyways runners up!
- Dallins vs. Stone (As brutal and intense and emotional as the first two encounters. Its a shame Dallins won, not only because she’s Power Trip, but because it likely won’t mean a fourth encounter between the two, which would be awesome)
- Stryfe vs. Williams (both women wrestled desperate, and it was sad to see Jenny lose another tough one. But credit to Stryfe, who may finally be righting her own ship)
WINNER OF THE WEEK: Danielle Arisu
This will surely get some buzz for this, but it is an opinion column so I will express my own. Winner of the Week goes to Danielle Arisu. A woman I have seen compete back in Japan both beside and against for months at a time, finally making her North American Re-debut on Velocity. The match was nothing short of impressive, as she went toe to toe with Candace Okimura. The match was hard fought by both parties, but Danielle pulled out all the stops with her dangerous 'Intoxication". Welcome back Danielle-chan.
Wow, and you guys all accuse ME of unvarnished bias...
- Tara Thunder (There aren’t enough words to describe how awesome that hanging vertical suplex was. It was the perfect ‘fuck you’ to a lippy brat who’s mouth wrote checks her ass couldn’t handle)
- Bounce & Pounce (no team needed a win more than B&P, and to get it over the hated STFU was what the doctor ordered.)
LOSER OF THE WEEK: Crystal Hilton
I felt it appropriate to first say that I mean this in the most respectful way possible. Crystal Hilton, while known for her arrogance, it seems she is slowly becoming far more humbled day by day. Surely having a great deal to the unfortunate attack on her husband. That being said I feel she is an amazing competitor, and for that reason I chose her for Loser of the Week. Why you ask? Because she put on a phenomenal match, despite what is going on in her personal life. Husband in the hospital, daughter at home, life a mess…and there she was, putting one of the best matches I have seen in quite a while against Wendy Briese. Alas she lost, hence why I placed her in this category. All that effort, all that pain, and no pay out. Though there is still much promise for her, in my opinion.
There is promise, but remember, she brought it on herself by going too big for no reason. So It’s tough to feel TOO much sympathy, at least on my end.
- Jennifer Williams (Now her partner, I can be a bit more huggy about. That was too tough a stretch, and J-Will’s better than the three losses she took during it)
- Pink Inc. (Worst time in the world to lose Desi like that. Hopefully when Kain comes back in a month, they’re back to the ways we remember them.)
DOUCHEBAG OF THE WEEK: Undine & Rori Mackenzie
This "Award" was possibly the most troublesome for me to decide upon. I do not know the FFW roster as well as I would like, and to be honest I am not one to focus much on such negativity in this sense. So that being said I personally could not come to a single choice, so I opted to make it a tie. The tie being Undine & Rori Mackenzie.
Undine I had to choose for her despicable use of that "Water" gun. It was not her match, it was not a hardcore or no DQ competition…it was uncalled for and honestly cowardly…despite being crafty. Rori for a simple fact of her lack of any real sense of honor. Barring what she has done in prior shows, her actions on Twitter and during this night are more than enough for me to want to include her. Trash talking happens, but when it goes to the point of insulting the hospitalized man (who is in there because of her), and such actions not only in the ring, but in a public forum such as twitter…I cannot leave her from this "award".
Honestly, I thought it was gonna be me here. But two solid choices, no doubt.
- Hanna Elliot (Almost forgot to mention her accusing Tara Thunder of stealing material. Please... just please stop wasting our time until you actually know what the hell you’re doing.)
- Kara Harrington (Making a former FFW Champion tap out? Good thing. Publicly saying you want to play Dexter with her kids? Not so good thing.)
And... that will take care of that!
Once again, thanks for reading everyone, and be on the lookout for two weeks time for one more edition of the Power X... not to mention the upcoming FIREWALL & SIN AND SACRIFICE PREVIEW COLUMN! Yeah, we’re going all out! (And if you would like to volunteer to write a bit for that, please volunteer!)
Until then...
Daniel Pollaski is an independent wrestling columnist, SVW wrestler, and the manager of FFW stars Wendy Briese and the Scarborough Fair. He’d also like to remind everyone that Dawgs rule, and the Cougars drool. Fuck you, Wazzu!
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