We’re just a bit over a week away from Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer in these here United States. There’s going to be parades, fireworks, a few auto races, baseball games, barbecues, swimming, F-16 flybys.
Oh, and a little women’s wrestling PPV coming from Denver, Colorado.
Thirty-two wrestlers will be competing across fourteen matches in this one, with five titles being defended. Two matches will be rematches of Chaos Theory contests (not surprisingly, they’re the top two matches on the card). Two are going to be no rules bloodbaths. And countless scores are going to be settled.
So let’s talk for a second about what you won’t be seeing on May 26th: The FFW Championship.
It’s actually becoming some sort of a Conviction thing- so far the only two PPV’s (Byte These excluded) to not have the FFW Championship being defended have come in May. But at least last year we still saw Scarlett Kincaid in the War Games match as Team FFW went toe to toe with their deadly rivals from SVW. This year, if Stacey Mackenzie is showing up, it’s as a fan/interviewee/guest commentator/something else. Because whatever Conviction 2012 is about, the FFW Championship isn’t it.
Seriously? We’re gonna make people shell out fifty bucks for a show without our champion? Are we nuts?
Nope. Because anyway you slice it, it’s still a bargain. Because there is enough going on in FFW to where it doesn’t matter who’s competing, which titles are being defended, even the match stipulations. People are gonna pony up because this is the best women’s wrestling company in the world. There’s not a single wrestler on this roster that’s putting asses in those seats. It’s the name itself.
It’s not that we have 60 wrestlers on the roster. It’s that we have the most insanely deep talent roster that can be found anywhere. Seriously... in my opinion, the top 35-40 women on this roster have the potential to challenge for one title or another. It’s that even with six titles, title shots around here mean something, and are not easily won. Forget the FFW Championship, good luck winning the TV title.
There aren’t many other wrestling companies period that can boast something like that, let alone one that restricts itself to one gender. The gender misconstrued as being the ‘weaker’ one.
And that’s why I’m not shoehorning the preview for this shoe into a column that’s already running five thousand words. It’s because Conviction (and admittedly all FFW PPVs) deserves a spotlight all to itself.
So here we are, the official Power-X Conviction 2012 spectacular. All fourteen matches have been broken down and combed through by yours truly. But I felt that even my own experties was inadequate for a show of this calibur, so it was my honor to call in backup. Fourteen lovely ladies stepped up, each one offering thier input on an upcoming match at Conviction. I had a kick out of reading them, whether I agreed or not, and I hope you all to. And all fourteen ladies have earned my gratitude for their contribution.
So without further ado, I invite you to enjoy the rest of the column. You won’t as much as the actual show itself, but with ten days left to go until the wrestling buffet opens, here’s some morsels to get your appetite whetted.
Age: 26
Height: 5’6
Weight: 134 lbs
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Finishing Maneuver: Seeing Clearly
Last PPV Result: lost to Emma McIntyre (pinfall) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
Age: 3 (Mentally)
Height: 5’8
Weight: 145 lbs
Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland
Finishing Maneuvers: The Heartbreaker, One Night Stand, Crying Shame
Last PPV Result: Lost to Emma McIntyre (pinfall) at Unstoppable II
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
What’s At Stake: For this match, Traci will be both blindfolded and have both of her hands tied behind her back. So pretty much it’s the modern day equivalent of feeding Christians to lions.
What they’re saying: So here we have it. The truest sense of a handicap match! Seems legit. Traci is blindfolded and handcuffed, and she faces Allison Wright, who is blind, and... not handcuffed. The thing is, Ali’s been doing pretty well against sighted competition lately, knocking off Arianna Millar a couple of weeks ago, and having a couple of good PPV mathces with Emma McIntyre, former FFW Champion. So even a fully functioning Traci Loveheart is no match for her really.
Some people call this match a mugging. Me? I call it hilarious.
Traci has plagued our screens for nearly two years ago with her fish face and logic bypass. She is one of the most sinfully annoying and vile people it has ever been my displeasure to meet. And what this is, my friends, is unequivocally, undeniably, the END of Traci Loveheart! And that is a reason to PARTAY!!! Allison to win. LOL!
- Lightning
What I say: It’s a shame that this is the last member of Twisted Path, because destroying them and ending their careers could have become something of a Conviction tradition (anyone remember Tiffany vs. Victoria Summers from last year?) Either way, this will be an absolute destruction, and the only drawback is that the handcuffs will prevent Allison from locking some submission moves. After that, it’s easy pickin’s for the blind wrestler, who will nab her first FFW PPV victory with flying colors.
Age: 20/22
Height: 5’4/5’10
Weight: 269 lbs combined (119/150)
Hometown: Edinburgh, Scotland/Flagstaff, Arizona
Finishing Maneuver: Knocked the Fuck Out, Lighter Fluid
Last PPV Result: Jo defeated Sabra (pinfall) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: Neither Competed
Age: 22/22
Height: 5’8/5’7
Weight: 287 lbs combined (147/140)
Hometown: Berkely, California (both)
Finishing Maneuver: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme
Last PPV Result: FFW Debut
Result at Conviction ‘11: Since I said this is their FFW debut, guess what...
What’s at Stake: Nothing too much in the way of rivalry here, especially since The Scarborough Fair is making their debut. However, the result of this will go a long way in determining contendership in the Unity division.
What They’re Saying: What's better than two women in skimpy clothing grappling with each other until the other submits to the supremacy of the other? Four women... Both teams are fairly new, Spitfire has formed fairly recently and Scarborough Fair is a pair of fresh... very enticing faces in FFW... It is going to be an absolute delight to see these four women prove themselves to the fans... And I personally will be enjoying it VERY thoroughly...
Despite both teams being fairly new... I will give the upper hand to Scarborough Fair on grounds that they seem more like a team... while Spitfire seems to be just two women randomly slapped together...
So Scarborough Fair will snatch a big win on their debut...
- Elizabeth Blackwell
What I Say: Wow. Only Elizabeth Blackwell could take a simple double debut tag match and turn it into something... creepy... yet strangely erotic. Anyways, Spitfire was originally supposed to face Pretty In Punk here, but they were forced to withdraw thanks to an accident to Whitley Mercer. Which is ironic, because Whitley’s pretty much an accident herself. Anyways, definite interesting mix here. Spitfire faced each other at Chaos Theory, with Jo winning, but these two actually do go back rather far, well before Sabra’s FFW debut. The Fair, on the other hand, well, they certainly didn’t endear too many people with their debut. Let’s hope they’re less of a one-note wonder than they were musically.
Age: 25
Height: 5’8
Weight: 146 lbs
Hometown: Llanfair, PG Wales
Finishing Maneuver: The Shock Drop, Picture Perfect
Last PPV Result: PPV Debut
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
Age: 19
Height: 5’4
Weight: 115 lbs
Hometown: Hollywood, California
Finishing Maneuver: Teenage Crush, Teenage Breakup
Last PPV Result: Finished 8th in battle royal at Byte This II
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
What’s At Stake: As far as title contention goes, both are pretty fringe to any belt at the moment, although Lightning is decisively closer. This one’s all about pride and settling a grudge, given that both Lightning and Allison have gone after the same guy. At least on that front, Lightning seems to be holding the advantage.
What They’re Saying: This is definitely going to be the sleeper hit of Conviction. On one hand you have Lightning, one of the most electrifying women in professional wrestling (no pun intended) and on the other you have Allison Deas. I've had my eye on the rivalry between these two women since they first faced off way back in February (if that wasn't their first meeting, I apologize big time as it's the only one I remember). If memory serves correctly, the initial dislike between these two spawned over Allison's advances on Adam Grant— the FFW Webmaster and Lightning's boyfriend.
We seem to have a couple instances of people fighting over guys in our ranks and I think it's just silly. I don't really get what all the fuss is about. Sure, Adam is alright looking, but Allison is gorgeous and actually somewhat talented. She could have any man she chooses so why chase the taken guy?
Alright, back to the match and the tale of the tape. Just last Velocity, we saw Lightning completely dismantle Allison's tag team partner and BFF in Elizabeth Showtime, sending a clear message.
I'd like to say this match could go either way, but I'd be giving too much credit to Allison that I don't think she's quite due. It's possible she could prove me wrong, and if she does, kudos to her. While it's true that she's definitely managed to distance herself from the stigma the Deas name carries in the wrestling industry, she does still come off a little inconsistent. On the last edition of Breaking Point she lost to Sabra— not that there's any shame in that. Sabra is a beast, but Allison has to be feeling that defeat going into this grudge match. That's never a good place to becoming from, believe me.
Lightning wants this win if only to silence Allison once and for all. I'd wish her luck but I don't think she'll need it. They say lightning never strikes in the same place twice— let's hope for Allison that's true.
- Summer
What I Say: Summer’s got it wrong. Allison Deas IS consistent. But so’s her sister, if you get my drift. And we really haven’t seen much of Lightning, but if she’s anything like the other Leavenworth sisters, she hasn’t even come close to peaking yet. Cheers and Jeers fans, I think it’s time to be disappointed.
Age: Unknown
Height: 5’7
Weight: 131 lbs
Hometown: Tampa Bay, Florida
Finishing Maneuver: News At 11, In Cold Blood
Last PPV Result: PPV Debut
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
Age: 26
Height: 5’7
Weight: 127 lbs
Hometown: Long Island, New York
Finishing Maneuver: Mountain Dew Rush
Last PPV Result: lost to Tara Thunder (submission) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
What’s At Stake: Caroline is quickly establishing herself as a threat to the TV, or perhaps even Evolution division. Jennifer Williams has become a threat to the insulin supply at the local diabetes clinic. In truth, she’s a fringe TV title candidate at the moment, after being decisively beaten by Tara Thunder at Chaos Theory.
What They’re Saying: This is a match I’m going to be paying close attention to as I might well find one or both of these as soon-to-be-failed-future-contenders to the FFW Television Championship that I’m going to win later that same night. Williams has tried to enlist the help of Cara Stone as a training partner going into this match, though I question the logic of asking a multiple time failure for help - least of all when she was dominated by Killer-C a few short weeks ago. I guess this is why no-one has ever accused J-Will of being a genius though. On the opposite of the ring is Caroline Dallins with a brand new, driven and some would say very aggressive attitude. She’s a woman who seems to be training like her life depended on it and has obviously had her Grey’s Anatomy book open - or her House DVD boxset playing on a loop - when she isn’t, saving the trainers the job of diagnosing the injuries she’s going to inflict. Jennifer Williams has surprised on PPV before when she won the Pick Your Poison match, but the only surprise at Conviction could be if she walks out.
- Kelly McGuffin
What I’m Saying: Holy shit, I actually have to agree with most of this, although I wouldn’t exactly call Cara Stone a failure. Although it has to be thrown in that unless Jennifer Williams is throwing a rope-a-dope (which makes no sense because Caroline’s not one to back off), J-Will isn’t even taking this match seriously, electing to sit around playing video games and drinking Mountain Dew instead of busting her ass in the ring. And while I want to be surprised by that, this is the Williams family we’re talking about, where nothing’s made sense for the better part of the last year. Jennifer better get it together... that “Killer C” nickname Caroline’s sporting is hardly hyperbole.
Age: 20
Height: 5’7
Weight: 139 lbs
Hometown: Rio De Janiero, Brazil
Finishing Maneuver: Didn’t See It Coming
Last PPV Result: lost to Lumina Ferrari in a Fatal-Four Way Match also involving Jodie Gray and Crystal Hate (Did Not Take Fall)
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
Age: 20
Height: 5’3
Weight: 110 lbs
Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina
Finishing Maneuver: Check Mate, Level Up!, Star Power
Last PPV Result: lost to Lumina Ferrari in Fatal Four-Way match at Chaos Theory. Melanie Avilo & Crystal Hate were also in it (took fall)
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
What’s At Stake: Both are definite TV Title contenders (Mel a bit closer to the belt than Jodie at the moment). But this one is all about pride between the two. As much as I love Jodie, her fascination with Mel is kinda borderline creepy. I think Mel just wants to be rid of her.
What They’re Saying: This is one of the most interesting matches on the entire card, because there’s some real bad blood between these two. The only thing is, it’s difficult to work out why. Neither of these women is particularly nasty or anything. It just seems to be a dramatic clash of personalities. Still, both women have shown a good degree of skill inside the ring, so it should be a fascinating contest.
Jodie Gray put in a real MVP performance in the Capture the Queen match that opened Future Shock’s seventh season last week, despite coming out in a losing effort, being pinned by Jo McFarlane. If she can put in another solid showing here, there’s a decent chance she can knock off the Brazilian, and really stamp her place on a future Television Championship match. But Mel didn’t become the Future Shock Season Five Champion by going down easily, and has shown a level of consistency one would expect from a champion; one also shown by the likes of Desirae Kain and myself. I like both these girls (though I don’t have any type of “Melboner”) and I think, whomever wins, it will be a great contest for the fans to enjoy. I’d put Mel as slight favourite here, but Jodie seems to do best when the odds are against her. So it could really go either way.
- Sophie Richards
What I Say: I’ll say this: if ANYONE brings up Jodie being some sort of ‘liar’ because she had a bit more in ring experience than we thought, I will take a whiffle ball bat to them. Both girls are well respected up and comers, so it’s kind of a shame that there’s so much bad blood between them. Either way, it’ll be settled at the show, and if Jodie can overcome Mel’s size advantage, and the stigma she’s gotten about choking in major matches, she can pull this one off.
Age: 24
Height: 5’5
Weight: 120 lbs
Hometown: Los Angles, California
Finishing Maneuver: Lights, Camera, Action; Perfection Never Fails; Shattered Reflection
Last PPV Result: def. Isabella Pazzini in a Parking Lot Brawl (pinfall) at Cold Blooded ‘12
Result at Conviction ‘11: with Wendy Briese & Kassandra, def. Ariel Shadows, Gretchen Donimari & Destiny Loveheart in a six woman tag match for the First Round of the Chase for the Crown (did not get fall)
Height: 5’6
Weight: 139 lbs
Hometown: Canton, Texas
Finishing Maneuver: Beauty In Chaos
Last PPV Result: lost to Kaitlynn Stryfe (pinfall) at Byte This III
Result at Conviction ‘11: Lost to Rori Snyder (pinfall)
What’s At Stake: Don’t let my rankings fool you, both women are actually outside contenders for the FFW Championship if they can get the right win streak going. Other than that, this is more just a match of two women who deserve to be on the PPV competing rather than anything that’s been brewing for a while.
What They’re Saying: This could prove to be one of the more talked about matches of the evening. Hilton obviously has an awful lot of talent - she came into FFW and went on an absolute tear winning seven straight, picking up the Evolution Championship from the highly respected Wendy Briese in a match of the year candidate. She’s also not shy about bringing her acting skills to the ring (see the epic faked injury that picked her up the first fall in best two out of three falls match against Wendy Briese). Crystal also comes in hot after an incredible performance at the last Velocity in the eight person tag match that saw her pick up the victory. Shane Sanders though has also picked up her fair share of headlines in recent weeks following the (re-?) emergence of her bad girl attitude, cutting loose her family, driving Eileen Amaro’s head through a chair and then giving Stacey Mackenzie one hell of a headache as she seemed to join forces with Isabella Pazzini - the presence of Eden Chevalier suggesting the presence of Samantha Star’s fingerprints on that alliance. Shane’s only problem is consistency - one night she can beat a hot Colleen, on another she’ll fall against a streaking Emma McIntyre. It’s what makes this match so intriguing. On the one side we have Crystal, who likes to bring the fans out of their seats with the high risk moves that could cost her if she gets caught, while on the other side it all depends exactly which Shane Sanders turns up. And let’s not forget the potential x factor in this match. Rori Mackenzie. She currently has her sights set on Hilton but after two hellacious matches in the middle of last year, there’s certainly no love lost between Rori and Shane. This is definitely a toss a coin and pick ‘em match up that could make a compelling case for one or both of them to book their place in the Scramble at Unstoppable.
- Scarlett Kincaid
What I say: Pretty much spot on, but if we see Rori here, it’ll be to screw with Hilton. Given that the whole Shane/Rori thing stemmed from Nick’s breakup with Scar, and Shane’s wanting nothing to do with Nick anymore (not to mention she’s pretty much thanked Rori for changing her perspective...). I’m gonna agree here, it’s all going to depend which Shane and which Crystal shows up. If both come out flat, this will be by far the worst match of the evening. If both come out fired up, it will be one of the best. And if one does, and the other doesn’t? Well, God help them.
#7 SUMMER (Defending Champion)
Age: 20
Height: 5’6
Weight: 143 lbs
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Finishing Maneuver: Falling Starr, Summer Solstice
Last PPV Result: def. Sophie Richards for the Television Championship (pinfall) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
Age: 18
Height: 5’5
Weight: 108
Hometown: Coney Island, New York
Finishing Maneuver: Three Ring Circus, High Flying Trapeeze
Last PPV Result: def. Jo McFarlane in the Prison of Punishment (pinfall) at Cold Blooded ‘12
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
What’s At Stake: The Television Championship. Also, Kelly is undefeated, but on a “Little Sisters of the Poor” quality strength of schedule.
What They’re Saying: God, of all the matches for me to be assigned, I had to be given this match. I plan on showing my displeasure to Pollaski when I see him again. Whatever, I will do my part as I did sign up to preview a match.
This match is nothing more than two bitches who think that they are better than they really are. This match will be a dud as Summer and Kelly couldn’t carry a match if it had handles. This will be a match that the fans will be able to take a bathroom break and not miss a damn thing. Summer was able to catch lightning in a bottle twice against Sophie Richards and myself, becoming the champion. Her match against Lumina was so boring I fell asleep.
Of course, the challenger is no better as Kelly hasn’t as no one has seen her in the ring since there was actually snow on the ground. She has yet to do anything of substance in the ring against anyone that is major league in the company. Yes, Kelly has an undefeated streak in FFW which I will applaud her for but it is against the likes of Hanna Elliot, Sophia Black (who was fired right after the match), etc.
With that all said, I feel that Kelly will squeak away with the win and the title. Summer is a good wrestler but when put under the hot lights of a PPV title defense, will choke and prove that she was not deserving of winning the title in the first place.
Prediction: New Television Champion, Kelly McGuffin
- Crystal Hate
What I Say: Honestly, this match is a pure toss-up, if but for the fact that I don’t think we’ve gotten clear pictures of what each woman’s capable of yet. Summer’s is a bit clearer- her rise to the TV title was meteoric, and she just avenged her only defeat to Lumina. And of course, she beat longtime champion Sophie Richards. Like I said earlier, Kelly’s undefeated streak has been thus far marred by a hardly jarring opponent quality (Jo McFarlane is by far her best win), and her almost painfully sporadic schedule. If Kelly pulls this off, start calling her legit, but until then...
#3 TARA THUNDER (Defending Champion)
Age: 22
Height: 5’6
Weight: 136 lbs
Hometown: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Finishing Maneuver: Down and Dead, Who’s The Bitch Now?
Last PPV Result: def. Jennifer Williams in a Pick Your Poison Cash-in (submission) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
Age: 23
Height: 5’8
Weight: 131 lbs
Hometown: Ocean City, Maryland
Finishing Maneuver: Wipe-Out; Midnight Runner; The Apocalyptica
Last PPV Result: def. Casey Atherton in an Evolution #1 Contender’s Match (pinfall) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
What’s At Stake: The Evolution Title, something Tara has held for a while, and Eileen’s been aiming for for almost just as long before finally getting her shot.
What They’re saying: Hey, Care-Bears, so Dan asked me to give my preview of the Evolution Championship match between Eileen Amaro and Tara Thunder. Now, this one's a toughie, literally about as close as they come. Now, I can't kid around here, Tara is dominant. Period. I mean, that woman is a Jerkface, don't get me wrong, but she's scary in that ring, there's no getting around it. However, Eileen is plucky. And awesomesauce. And even though she has some issues finishing the job once in awhile, she does have a tendency to come through in the most important matches. Just ask Casey Atherton. Also, Eileen's quick adaptive style which allows her to fight both technically and with speed might give her a slight advantage against Tara's slower impact based style. That said, if Eileen lets herself get caught, Tara could end it with one Down and Dead. I expect a really good back and forth here with these two, but if I HAD to make a prediction...I'm going to go with Eileen. I love a good underdog. (Wonder why.)
- Cara Stone
What I Say: Random trivia: Who was the last person to beat Tara Thunder (clusterfuck tag matches notwithstanding)?
If you guessed Hanna Elliot, go buy yourself something nice.
The point is, Tara Thunder’s not unbeatable, even if it hasn’t happened in a good six months. And the Elliot win was certainly all about overconfidence on Tara’s part... she destroyed Hanna on the second go-round. After that, the last person to pick up a win against Tara was Wendy Briese, and that was a ladder match.
Long story short, this is a tough girl to beat we’re talking about.
Unfortunately for Tara, Eileen is the kind of plucky person who can whether the Thunderstorm and pull through in the end. Hell, I don’t even want to call her the underdog here- Eileen’s been someone capable of the Evolution Championship (or more) since the day she arrived, and despite a few hiccups, that hasn’t changed. Expect this to be a barnburner of a match, but don’t be surprised if Tara’s impressive reign comes to an end on the twenty-sixth.
For the record, I love that picture of Eiley. Is there a better ‘bitch, please’ expression out there than that?
PINK, INC (Defending Champions)
Age: 22/27
Height: 5’2/5’9
Weight: 261 lbs combined (116/145)
Hometown: Eze, France/ Charleston, South Carolina
Finishing Maneuver: Pink Express
Last PPV Result: together, def. The Violent Femmes and The New York Crew in a Triple Threat Match for the Unity Tag Team Championships (Millar pinned Sullivan)
Result at Conviction ‘11: Neither Competed
Age: 21/20
Height: 5’3/5’2
Weight: 235 lbs combined (119/116)
Hometown: Llanfair, PG Wales/ Leeds, England
Finishing Maneuver: Make A Wish
Last PPV Result: Together and with Kara Harrington, lost to The Eternal Flame & Tabatha Belmont in a six woman tag match (Ignis took fall) at Byte This III
Result at Conviction ‘11: Ignis Didn’t compete. Hayley technically didn’t either, but she ate Belladonna’s face with a beautiful Boing Blaster (and you all booed that! for shame!)
What’s At Stake: The Unity Tag Titles, held by Pink, Inc after they beat the New York Crew and the Violent Femmes at Chaos Theory. Bounce and Pounce defeated Pink, Inc. for the titles at Cold Blooded, but were stripped of them less than a month later due to Ignis failing a drug test. After being reinstated, they earned their shot by beating the New York Crew.
What They’re Saying: The Unity Championship is on the line between two very impressive teams. Bounce & Pounce are looking to reclaim the titles they never lost in the ring, with Pink Inc. look to solidify themselves as the top team in FFW. I personally know first hand just how tough Desirae is, and Arianna while not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer... has shown great chemistry with Desirae. On the other hand Hayley and Ignis...I really do not like them. Ignis is so full of herself that only the existance of Lightning prevents her from being the worst sister... she is still intolerable, and Hayley... somewhat talented, yet none too impressive. It will be a great match regardless... as titlematches always should be.
I still think Pink, Inc has what it takes to come out on top, they got a point to prove more than B&P and Desirae is riding on a nice high at the moment...
- Jennifer Stryfe
What I Say: This has match of the night potential written all over it. By now, Bounce and Pounce have got to be salivating over their chance to regain the belts back, and I’m sure Ari and Desi are sick to death by now of hearing everyone talk about how they never had to beat B&P for the titles. As far as I’m concerned, it is what it is. Ignis’ suspension was bullshit, but sometimes that happens, especially when a woman like Samantha Star runs things. The fact is, this was a rematch that was gonna happen sooner or later anyways, the only difference is that the belts are on the team we didn’t expect to have regained them at this point.
Age: 22
Height: 5’6
Weight: 134 lbs
Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland
Finishing Maneuver: Back to Hell; Fall From Grace
Last PPV Result: def. Allison Wright (pinfall) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
Age: 27
Height: 5’5
Weight: 111 lbs
Hometown: London, England
Finishing Maneuver: Say Hello to the Sandman; Robbed of Innocence, TTFOB
Last PPV Result: w/ Tabatha Belmont & Rebbecca Valentine, beat Bounce & Pounce & Kara Harrington in a six-woman tag match (did not get fall) at Byte This III
Result at Conviction ‘11: with Rebbecca Valentine, lost to Angelic S&D in the finals of the Unity Tag Team Tournament (did not take fall)
What’s At Stake: Since both women are former FFW Champions, the winner would emerge one step closer to contending for that belt, but both are in positions to where they’ll likely need a lot more than just a win here to get on that shortlist. So that leaves us with bad blood. Lots and lots of bad blood. Probably all over the ring by the time this is over.
What They’re Saying: Tag teams. When you’re in this business as a tag team, you do a lot together. You travel together, laugh together, cry together, sleep in the same bed because the hotel has no heat and cuddling up close is your only option, fight the scum of the earth or worthy adversaries together, and grow together. You also know in the back of your head that one day you will face off against them. That thought never goes away. It’s always there. Always in the back of your mind, like the devil on your shoulder. So you prepare for ‘when’ and the ‘where’. You prepare for the worst.
At least, assumed that was on Katherine Stryfe’s mind. Always prepare for the worst. Lost your tag-partner because they had personal stuff? Get a new one. That one mouthing off and thinks she needs to ‘get out of your shadow’? Hell with her. As far as I can tell, this match will prove who carried Nightmare, Inc. Haven’t been here long, but I know a ‘who was really carrying our team’ match when I see it. This isn’t about making each other upset, hanging with cool kids or loss of mental capacity. This is ego. Who is the bigger name, Emma McIntyre or Katherine Stryfe? As for the winner, I for one think that--
....Oh. Valerie Belmont has been appointed by Samantha Star to be the guest referee. Well. Haven’t the faintest idea what that’s about. Should be called right down the middle. Nothing to see here people. Move along to the next preview. Killer C out.
- Caroline Dallins
What I Say: Yeah, the Valerie Belmont officiating thing makes me scratch my head too, but no one’s ever accused Samantha Star of making sense. And for all that I take the piss out of Kat, this is the kind of match we’ll see her get up for. This could very well be the most emotional of the evening, as two women who were like sisters at one point tear each other up. I said before that this could steal the show, and I’m standing by it. Now lets just hope our redheaded vampire returnee doesn’t fuck it all up on her part.
#4 CAMILLA PAZZINI (defending champion)
Age: 27
Height: 5’6
Weight: 196 lbs
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Finishing Maneuver: Now That’s How You Do A Spear; The Big Squeeze; Absolute Destruction
Last PPV Result: beat Rose Jenkins in a Last Woman Standing match to defend the Ultraviolence Title (Knockout) at Cold Blooded ‘12
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
Age: 26
Height: 5’7
Weight: 135 lbs
Hometown: Syracuse, New York
Finishing Maneuver: Down From The Sky
Last PPV Result: lost to Alysson Gardner in a Three-Way TLC match for the Ultraviolence #1 Contendership. Rebbecca Valentine also participated
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
What’s At Stake: The Ultraviolence Championship, which Camilla has now held for the better part of the past year. Alysson Gardner was originally slated for this match, but was removed upon her termination from FFW. Stone became her replacement after beating Rebbecca Valentine in a first blood match. Camilla has claimed her lack of title matches recently was due to her violent nature jeopardiing the safety and career of any prospective challenger. Make of that what you will.
What They’re Saying: I'm not one to usually pay attention to the Ultraviolence Division, simply because I find that sort of glorified violence to be a mockery of the skill and technical prowess required to actually succeed in this business. Any idiot can wallop someone over the head with a chair. Any moron can dive through plate glass and bleed all over the place. But there are only two women on the roster who are shining examples of skill sets that far outweigh the barbarism of this pathetic division.
Camilla Pazzini is a freight train. She's one of the fiercest and most driven women in professional wrestling and I've seen her destroy men twice her size without batting an eye. She should be going into this match as fresh as a daisy, having last wrestled against Shane Sanders way back in March. Not to say that Camilla isn't a fighting champion, or that she wrestles more infrequently than I do. I didn't actually have to say it because the facts speak for themselves. With that much time off to recover between violent bloodbaths, it's no wonder that she's been able to maintain such a stranglehold on the division title.
Yet that string of luck might be changing come Conviction— the event that's never been more aptly named than when it comes to Cara Stone, Future Shock graduate and possible future SVW Tag Team Champion. I was completely and utterly blown away by the knock-down/drag-out fight between "Killer C" Caroline Dallins and "Hurricane" Cara in which Cara lost. The loss wasn't embarrassing. The fact that Cara had to take the post-matching whining to Twitter made me think that she's just as pathetic as Katherine Stryfe and the rest of the hypocrites. Perhaps she absorbed some of that when she defeated Kat's cardboard cutout clone in Rebbecca. Cara certainly has the motivation to win this match, especially with the fire that's been lit under her courtesy of Ms. Dallins.
But, and this is a pretty big one— maybe even as big as the caboose on Cammie from sitting around on this title unchallenged since September— but Camilla has the experience in the ring. She has the wrestling chops to anticipate everything in Cara's bag of tricks. I predict this title remaining around Cammie's waist when the dust settles. Cara can move on to something bigger and better (or she can go back to beating her fists ineffectually against the brick wall that is Killer C).
What I Say: Nail on the head Kitty (hey, there’s an idea for the Main Event!). And that’s the scary thing about Chunks, when it all boils down to this. Unlike so many Ultraviolence specialists, Camilla CAN wrestle, and she’s damn good at it. And yes, Cara can wrestle too, there’s no doubt about that. The issue is if Cara’s developed the hardcore chops necessary to keep Camilla down for a ten-count, someone that the much more brutal Colleen was unable to do.
But here’s the kicker that I think is being overlooked. Cara is right up there with Scarlett, Wendy, and Eileen in terms of pure heart. That’s the one thing Rose Jenkins, and even Raven Wicked never really had. And this is cliche, but when there’s a will, there’s a way. If it is physically possible for her to get up, she will, and this match will keep going. And there won’t be a one shot knockout for Cara, but all she needs is an opening, and a way to capitalize on it.
In short, throw the paper away here, kids. This one’s gonna be a LOT closer than you think.
Age: 22
Height: 5’6
Weight: 117 lbs
Hometown: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Finishing Maneuver: Kincaid Cascade; Louisiana Leglock; Scarlett Fever
Last PPV Result: lost to Stacey Mackenzie in a match for the FFW Championship (pinfall) at Cold Blooded
Result at Conviction ‘11: with Isabella Pazzini, Miss Demeanor, Robbyn Helmsley & Stacey Mackenzie, beat Team SVW in the Wargames match (did not get fall)
Age: 28
Height: 5’7
Weight: 133 lbs
Hometown: Manhattan, New York
Finishing Maneuver: Beautiful Dirty Rich
Last PPV Result: def. Eileen Amaro (pinfall) at Cold Blooded ‘12
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
What’s At Stake: If Scarlett loses this, she can kiss any hope of rematching for the FFW Championship goodbye. Other than that, it’s all about bad blood, stemming from an incident at a New Years party nearly a year and a half ago. Although much fresher in everyone’s mind is the first match between these two, when Scarlett won by countout after Alyssa ran away.
What They’re Saying: Let me make this perfectly clear...Scarlett Kincaid is the most overrated, overhyped wrestler in FFW - in fact ANYWHERE - EVER. Period. No question, no argument. It’s pure cold hard fact. I don’t care that Dan has turned his little column into some form of shrine to her, I’m here to put the record right. Proof:
Exhibit 1) The only reason she ever won the FFW Championship was because of an obviously crooked referee, biased against the then champion Isabella Pazzini because of past issues.
Exhibit 2) Her husband goes on sabbatical, can’t bail her out and she loses the title in the Elimination Chamber. She’s been slipping ever since. Rori dominated her from bell to bell, against Kitty she needed Cody’s physical involvement to pick up the win and then two big losses against Stacey Mackenzie.
Contrast that with Alyssa Foxworth. Sure she doesn’t have the sob story that Scarlett can bore us all with for the nine billionth time, but believe me, life is just as difficult for Alyssa - she’s overcome just as many trials and tribulations as Scarlett - if not more as she’s had to deal with that red headed, ungrateful superior bitch steal her boyfriend and rub it in every chance she’s had. With the training she’s had from the Legendary undefeatable Samantha Star Alyssa will bring that snivelling little Cajun brat down a peg or two, before taking time off for what I’m sure will be the wedding of the millenia.
- Starla McCloud
What I Say: I’m not really sure if I’d say long lines at the stores on Fifth Avenue are trials and tribulations, but hell, Starla’s entitled to her opinion. Anyways, most of us are expecting to see a bonafide ass-whipping as Scarlett does to Alyssa everything she couldn’t do to Rori. And with Alyssa trapped in that cage, unless she can think of something really really clever, that’s exactly how this is gonna go.
#8 STARLA MCCLOUD (Defending Champion)
Age: 25
Height: 5’9
Weight: 127 lbs
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Finishing Maneuver: Diagnosis: Psychosis; Sweet Sedation; Stockholm Syndrome; Freudian Slip
Last PPV Result: beat Wendy Briese to win the No Surrender Championship (bullshit) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: lost to Sophie Richards in a fatal-four way match for the Television Championship, with Michelle Taylor and Belladonna also competing (Did Not Take Fall)
Age: 30
Height: 5’8
Weight: 132 lbs
Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana
Finishing Maneuver: Vortexinator; Emerald Cyclone; Banshee
Last PPV Result: lost No Surrender Championship to Starla McCloud (Alex Adonis’ delusions) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: with Crystal Hilton & Kassandra, def. Ariel Shadows, Gretchen Donimari, & Michelle Taylor in a six-woman tag match for the first round of the Chase For the Crown
What’s At Stake: The No Surrender Championship. Starla beat Wendy for the belt after guest referee Alex Adonis claimed Wendy submitted, despite her being fully conscious the entire time, neither tapping nor nodding, her lips not moving, and no audio being heard of saying “I Quit”. I’m sure Alex being Starla’s husband was a mere coincidence and not in anyway additional evidence that Wendy got screwed.
What They’re Saying: Ever since its inception, the No Surrender title has been an interesting concept – matches that can only be won by submission, a titanium title belt rather than gold or bronze like they seem to be done for the most part and as the tournament to crown the first ever No Surrender champion occurred, we’ve been seeing some of the absolute best technical wrestlers in our sport go at it. Wendy Briese won that tournament and lo and behold, thanks to our “esteemed” owner Samantha Star appointing Alex Adonis as a special referee for Wendy’s defense against Adonis’ first wife Starla McCloud at Chaos Theory and you knew the deck was stacked.
Through circumstances that makes this previewer sick to her stomach, Starla won the No Surrender title via crooked referee and Wendy’s cashed in her rematch clause. She also cashed in her fist upside Starla’s jaw and the hussy deserved every second of it. This rematch has a LOT of bad blood in it and to be honest, it could be the first time in which we see Wendy Briese – to put it in layman’s terms – “fuck a bitch up.” She has all the reason in the world and unlike last time, Starla won’t have her husband as the referee to bail her out. At the same time, besides being a decent technician in her own right, Starla is the kind of woman who will fight dirty if the situation calls for it. This will be a test of endurance, skill and will for both of these women and hopefully it’ll be shenanigan-less. Hopefully.
- Eileen Amaro
What I Say: Nothing. Anything that Eileen didn’t say in that wonderful piece, I’ll let Wendy say next week.
Age: 31
Height: 5’5
Weight: 137 lbs
Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia
Finishing Maneuver: Kiss Of Death; Vixen Driver
Last PPV Result: def. Jennifer Stryfe in a Falls Count Anywhere Match (pinfall) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: def. Valerie Belmont (pinfall)
Age: 25
Height: 5’5
Weight: 154 lbs
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Finishing Maneuver: The Crowning; Enter the Machine
Last PPV Result: lost to Kaitlynn Stryfe in a Falls Count Anywhere Match (Pinfall) at Chaos Theory
Result at Conviction ‘11: Did Not Compete
What’s At Stake: Um... everything? Considering all the circumstances, this might be the most important non-FFW Championship singles match in company history. Both women hate each other, and both are being championed by men who are absolute cancers to the wrestling industry. Add in that the winner is going to be a clear cut frontrunner for an FFW Championship opportunity, and that anything goes in this match... holy shit.
What They’re Saying: So I get this one? Weird.. because I’m still debating whether or not I’m even going to watch this. Seriously, Dan. Did you draw these assignments out of a hat or something?
I hope neither Kaitlynn nor Jennifer are offended that I might not watch. I know they’re great competitors, despite whatever my personal opinion of each might be. But that’s just it- both of these women are at peak condition, in the prime of their careers, and they’re heading into a match where they’re going to be blatantly encouraged to, not wrestle, not even fight, but pretty much commit attempted murder on each other. This is the closest we’ll (at least hopefully) ever get to the old days of gladiatorial combat in the colosseums.
Who am I kidding? I’ll watch, even though I know I’ll be cringing all the way as these two women do things to each other that would be illegal in any other situation. Heck, we’ve seen a preview already, involving chairs, spiked gloves, and car batteries. If that’s what they’re going to do when they’re not supposed to do anything, what’s going to happen once they’re turned loose?
I’m not going to call a winner- I have no idea which of the two will have enough hate, rage and vitriol to win a match like this. I’ll just say that I can’t shake this feeling that something really bad is going to happen here, and we’re all going to be forced to watch as it unfolds.
I’m sorry, I’m really not being much for hyping this up, am I? I’ll shut up now.
- Wendy Briese
What I Say: Bullshit, Wendy. The colosseum was free, including the concessions (unless you hated bread). We’re charging fifty bucks for this, plus at least another twenty for the pizza. Although I guess since the first match was essentially a lion feeding, and the main event a deathmatch, a colosseum reference isn’t completely out of line..
Seriously though, the word “war” is applicable here. Kitty ‘won’ the first two contests, both thanks to Alexander Stryfe (once getting knocked out preventing the match from reaching an official ending, regardless of what Kitty might claim. the other he pulled Jenny off of a pin, enabling Kitty to rally and beat her again.). In between the two have been in at least three brawls on television,
Ultimately, this one could go either way. The only prediction I’ll make is that for better or for worse, we’ll be remembering this one (and the consequences pertaining), for a long time to come.
And there you go, folks. And a big final thank you to all fourteen women who took their time and energy to write up little blurbs hyping up someone else’s match. Seriously. Hat’s off to all of you.
And if this hasn’t convinced you to order Conviction 2012, I don’t know what the fuck will. Anyone who knows anything about wrestling can easily find at least six or seven matches that are going to be worth the fifty dollars. So do yourself a favor and click that buy button. You won’t regret it.
And we’ll see you all in Denver.
OOC: Super special thanks to the following. I hope you all had as much fun with this as I did reading them.
John (x3)
Johni (x2)
Tirri (x2)
Lisa (x4- Double for doing it short notice)
I like how you said Nick and Scar broke up ;) they were never technically together outside of my derpy little brother's one-handed bedroom fantasy