Friday, January 18, 2013

POWER X RANKINGS: January 18, 2013

Well, god damn people.

So yours truly didn’t do a Power-X for the final show of the 2012 year, and now I’ve got a bonafide monstrosity on my hands.  Fifty-nine women qualified for this weeks Power-X, and a lot of them are newcomers.  I decided to lump the December 14 Velocity in with this cycle, which made the eligibility list extend clear back to the PPV.  And of course, When Worlds Collide matches (which, like I said earlier, count), making this one of the few rare times that you’ll actually see a woman on here before she’s officially had her debut match (Both women in question debut at Cold Blooded, so that’s not going to last for long.)

Anyways, unless I want to be typing this shit well into 2014, I better get a-cracking.  So without further ado, the first Power X of 2013!

Sarah Richardson (Last Ranked 47th)
Christelle Gillet (43rd)
Melanie Avilo (38th)
Summer (15th)

Well, I didn’t say everyone on here was going to be GOOD, did I?   Anyways, this will probably be Eleigha’s only ranking, as I’m sure she’s going to be shown the door after that disaster of a debut against Vanessa Bynum.  But I haven’t heard it official yet.

And another one and doner, as Starr faceplanted against Ashley Whitmore, and was never heard from again.

Tristi at least got ran out of the company in her first match by an established FFW wrestler, so she gets the top nod of the three washouts here.

Now we’re actually looking at ladies who were actually impressive enough to stick around after their debut.  Even though Ariel took a tough fall in her debut, she showed a lot of heart in that triple-threat match.  It’s going to be fun to watch her develop herself in the coming weeks.

Actually, I’m not sure why Maia’s on here.  She hasn’t had an FFW match yet- she was one of the ones to debut at When Worlds Collide.  That match actually never technically happened.  So, uh, yeah.

Ashley’s already gotten herself TWO victories.  Although one was by disqualification because her sister kicked her ass for beating her up a couple months ago.  Confused yet?

Decent, albeit short debut win over Circolone.  We’ll probably get a better measure of her worth after Cold Blooded

Why is Alexis ahead of several other women who actually won their debut matches?  Because she put up a hell of a fight, and came within inches herself of winning.  Put a star next to this one, kids.  I think she’s going to have a good run here.

The other woman who made her debut at When Worlds Collide, pulling out a tainted victory over an old manager in his first match since before I was born.  I’m sure she’s proud.

#50- CRYSTAL HATE [Returning]
Welcome back, Crystal!  Unfortunately, she picked up right where she left off before dropping off for a while, extending her FFW losing streak to four with a loss to Kinsey.

#49- CANDI [NEW]
Impressive debut for Candi, pulling off a hard fought victory over two other newcomers at Breaking Point.  Another one you might want to keep an eye on.

#48- SOPHIA BLACK [-3]
The first woman who was on the last Power X.  Needs to get her temper and focus in check if she ever wants to rise up from where she is.

Easily the most impressive debut of the slew of women who did so.  Can she sing her way up the ladder?  No.  But she can sure wrestle her way up :)

#46- KARA HARRINGTON [Returning]
Will go down in history as the first woman Misty Whitmore ever pinned.  Remember that.  It’s going to be on a Trivial Pursuit card one day.

Yeah... I had forgotten she was still here too.

Believe it or not, she’s won three of her last four.  Of course, that’s over Sophia Black twice (once by DQ), and Elizabeth Showtime (by LMAO).  But still, it’s a nice thought.

Thanks to attempted fratricide, she’s on a two match winning streak!  To get to three, she’s going to have to end Jodie’s 8-match streak.  Good f’ing luck.

Gee, you don’t think she’s going to be at Extreme Envy, do you?

Up and down month for her- win over Sabra, loss to Jo.  Ultimately, I’d say that’s a net gain for her.

#40- UNDINE [Returning]
Pinned the No Surrender Champion, which could prove interesting should Diney actually ever decide to stick around long enough to pursue that belt.

Got flat out robbed during the Steeles/Whitmores match.  As much as I love Lyn, with the upside this girl has, he’s about to completely regret kicking her out of his school.

Cold Blooded is pretty much a must win for Penny.  She got duped by Payton once.  She cannot afford to let that happen again.

#37- MARISSA KANE [+2]
First time, she lost to SLC.  Can she get the win the second time around?  I wouldn’t bet against it.

First time Miss Demeanor’s missing a PPV in three such shows.  Her revenge quest against Samantha Star has cooled considerably.

#35- SAMARA STEELE [No Change]
Bullshit DQ loss is a shame, as it breaks a three match winning streak for Steele.  Should be able to get another one going against Ashley, right?

We haven’t seen her since Anarchy when she became victim number seven of Jodie’s win streak.  

We haven’t seen her since Anarchy either, when she became the victim of the Crystal Hilton machine.

#32- CLAIRE BLACK [+1]
Pulled off a nice move trying to pin Kara, but inexperience made her forget she was the legal man.  And for the first time in history, a referee actually managed to keep track.  What a tough break.

#31- HANNA ELLIOT [+1]
Match with Stephanie Sanderson ended in a double countout, something that had to have been a disappointment for Elliot.  Rematch comes at Cold BLooded- with a No Surrender shot on the line.

#30- HAYLEY DARK [-3]
Well, the good news is, she and Ignis reunite to take another stab at the Unity Belts.  Bad news is... they’re gonna lose to the Fair.  Such a shame.

#29- JO MCFARLANE [+5]
Started 2013 off on a positive note with her win over SLC.  A good start after a very disappointing 2012 for her.

#28- VANESSA CADE [+1]
Final ranking for Cade, which is a shame, since she was one of the hottest rising wrestlers in the company.  Hopefully she’ll come back soon.

Winless in her last three matches, but two of those were draws.  So at least she isn’t losing... that’s a plus, right?

#26- RORI MACKENZIE [No Change]
Same old story for Rori.  Fought in a match.  Pulled off a bullshit win.  Bragged about it like she actually accomplished something.  No one actually believed it.  Things will be changing- for the worse- for her at Cold Blooded.

#25- RAQUEL FAIR [-2]
FINALLY the Fair is on the verge of achieving the tag team title shot they’ve long deserved.

I almost wish it wasn’t Bounce And Pounce they were steamrolling to get it, but such is life.  

Hasn’t won a match since her win over Wendy, and now faces one of the hottest wrestlers in the company.  A very rare occasion when the champion goes into a match a heavy underdog.

Fun Fact: There were five pure FFW vs. SVW matches at When Worlds Collide.  FFW went 4-1 in them.  Is anyone here shocked that Emma was the one that lost?

Final ranking for the Russian, as she’s stepped away for a bit.  A shame too, she seemed like she was just hitting her stride.  

Is there any way to make her the participating Season 3 Champion in the Future Shock Season of Champions?  It’s only the best thing to do for the sake of competition.

#19- STACEY ALLEN [Returning]
I hope Stacey’s not thinking her recent actions are going to merit her getting another title shot, because Samantha Star would have to be an idiot to disgrace the belt so badly by letting this sellout anywhere near it.

In an ideal world, she’d get the living fuck pummeled out of her by Penny in that cage.  It’s not an ideal world though, and Pay has a really annoying habit of squirreling out of the asskickings she has coming.

#17- TRINITY [+8]
Okay, now that she’s proved her worth against Serafina... what’s next?  Television title run, anybody?

#16- EILEEN AMARO [No Change]
New year for 2012’s Winningest Wrestler, and that hopefully means a new Eileen, who lost several critical matches down the stretch to create a disappointing finish to an otherwise remarkable year.  

Like Eileen, very successful, but can’t seem to convert in a big match.  She’s going to have a huge chance to turn that around after the PPV.

#14- LIGHTNING [-6]
Loss to J-Will was Lightnings first time taking a fall.  Now that the carapace is breached, can Justine patch it up, or has she been exposed?

#13- STARLA MCCLOUD [No Change]
The only thing standing between this woman and an FFW Championship shot is Valerie Lamb.  God help us all.

Final ranking for the time being for Chunks, who pulled off a monster win at When Worlds Collide over her sister, but then suffered an injury that’s going to keep her out for a while.

#11- JODIE GRAY [-1]
Looks to extend her streak to nine at Cold Blooded against Misty Whitmore.  With her holding a win over the current TV Champion, a rematch on those terms doesn’t seem long away.

Tough break against a red-hot Kat Stryfe.  But this does give Crystal an opportunity to become the first ever 3 time Evolution Champion.  

#9- VALERIE LAMB [No Change]
She’s getting a second chance at a shot at the grand prize, but she needs to capitalize this time.  This is one woman who deserves to get over the hump.

She’s only won three out of her last nine, but god DAMN she knows how to pick those three.  One of the most unlikely title runs in wrestling history.

For the first time since February 21, 2012, Kat finds herself in the top ten, thanks to a four out of five match run that got her to and claiming the Evolution title.  She’ll lose it back to Crystal on the rematch, but it was a nice story while it lasted.

#6- CARA STONE [No Change]
We saw what Cara did to Emma at Anarchy.  Now that she’s had two months to stew over Anders’ betrayal, and is in a thoroughly bad mood, what do you think she’s going to do to Emma this time around?

I actually really like the Fight Or Flight tag team, so it will be fun to see how Scar and Kelly perform in action when they face Club CK VIP.  I don’t like CCKVIP’s odds, that’s for sure.  Both of Eddie’s kids seem as focused and prepared as they’ve ever been.

For the first time ever, Tara’s on a multiple match winless streak, although one was a double countout.  No shame to her, though.  Only falls in the past year have been to Wendy and Caroline.

She finally got her title shot, and I think she has Serafina in her sights.  The one question is, can she handle the unique and difficult role of a favorited challenger?  She’s going to have to if she wants to bring the gold back to Tampa.

#2- COLLEEN [No Change]
This is the moment Colleen’s been waiting for.  She’s at the doorstep, and all she needs to do is shove Isabella aside, and get into the temple.  Easier said than done, to be sure, but she’s come this far.

Simple as this.  If Isabella can repel Colleen without resorting to petty tricks, she cements herself as the greatest female wrestler in history.  If she has to cheat, or, even worse, loses, well... the debate rages on.

And there you have it!  59 women, all ranked up nice and orderly.  Just don’t forget that, like with all PPV’s in FFW, immediately after will be another FAN POWER X!  So get your voting pencils ready, kids!  

And of course, we leave you with a meme.  Stacey Allen may be a bitch and complete disgrace to pro wrestling, but she is occasionally funny.  This would be one of those times. 

And with that, we’re off!  See you after Cold Blooded!  

Friday, January 11, 2013

FOUR CORNERS: Velocity 1-10-13

Four more brilliant nuggets of wisdom coming from the mind of Daniel Pollaski

I'm not going to make excuses here.  Katherine Stryfe wrestled a hell of a match, and she eeked out a very tight, but clean win over Crystal Williams to become the new Evolution Champion.  As a result, she becomes the first woman to Grand Slam the FFW Championships, and she continues to resurrect a career that was on a surefire downward spiral just a handful of months ago.  

But even if there wasn't an automatic rematch clause to give Crystal a chance to win her third Evolution Championship, this is a match that needs to be made.  As close and fierce as that first contest was, there is absolutely no reason to believe that a second contest wouldn't be as close- or would go the opposite way.  I said earlier that if they fought ten times, Crystal would win 7, and I stand by that.  

This rematch needs to happen, and if FFW is smart, they'll make it happen not too long after Cold Blooded.  The rematch has show main event written all over it, so let's make it happen.

I'm not going to go so far as Wendy here, and think that Caroline's ascension to the #1 contendership is the "salvation" the No Surrender division needs- or that it even needs saving, but it is certainly nice to see what at one point was the hottest division in FFW finally getting back into gear. 

Caroline's walking into a tricky situation here.  She made it very clear that when she went for this title, it was Wendy she wanted to be going up against.  But Serafina pulled the upset back in September, and Caroline's had to bide her time while the title sat on the shelf because... well, I really don't know why the title's sat on the shelf. 

What I *do* know, though, is that we are looking at one vulnerable champion heading into this match.  Serafina has not won once since her contest against Wendy, going 0-4 since then, including a defeat to Club CK VIP at the last Velocity (yes, they cheated, but a only moron wouldn't have been expecting THAT to happen).  Caroline's gotta be tasting blood looking at her, but remember, we already had one woman underestmate Cupcake, and pay the price.  But I have a feeling that Caroline is not going to make the same mistake. 

So, Thursday afternoon, while we were all waiting for the sun to go down and the atmosphere to get right for the go-home Velocity, I made the comment to Samara Steele that she should pay Misty Whitmore $100,000 to stand up her sister, or hell, even turn on her and join the Steele's in kicking the "Above Average" one's ass.  Misty immediately declined, spouting off every goody-two shoes cliche I've ever heard, can't let the fans down, can't abandon family, yada yada yada. 

So, now to Miss Whitmore, I have the following two words. 

Told ya. 


Okay, maybe I didn't actually know that her tag partner was the one who attacked the third Whitmore sister (Nicole), but I had a feeling that she was somewhat of a rotten bitch.  I was right (I tend to be about these things.  Remember how I saw Rori being fake a mile away?).  Ashley is a rotten, backstabbing bitch who simply used her sister as bait to pick a fight with the Steele family, for no discernable rational reason whatsoever.

Misty could have been a little bit richer, and been on the winning team, giving Ashley exactly what she deserved.  Instead, she had to fight her best friend, got her knee damn near torn up by said best friend, then had to realize she'd been siding with the exact woman who knocked her sister out of wrestling for several months, and then got disqualified by that other sister because she came running in like a bat out of hell and decided to take on the world. 

I don't know what they call that in Canada, but down here... I call that a bad day. A tragic, so easily avoided, bad day.

Listen to Uncle Pollaski, Misty.  He knows what's good for you. 

Yes.  Yes she did.  She also tried to rhyme "beautiful" and "kill".  Maybe she should stick to ripping off the masters of the art.  Or limericks!  Everyone loves a good limerick! 

You want a meme.  I has a meme.

Alright, that does it for this edition fo the Four Corners!  Stay tuned for some RANKINGS!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Power X- Breaking Point January 5, 2013

Once again, four brilliant nuggets of information coming from the greatest analytical mind in the wrestling world today. 

No, I'm not doing my best attempt at a Maia Lopez impression. Try Samantha Star instead. 

Confused?  You shouldn't be.  Let's go back to New Year's Eve, at When Worlds Collide, when Camilla Pazzini beat her sister in the middle of the ring.  It was a great way to close the book on 2012, and it certainly set up an interesting prospect for 2013.  After all, in FFW, if you beat a champion, that immediately puts you on the contender list for their title.  And who wouldn't want to see the Pazzzini Sisters duke it out over the greatest prize in Female Wrestling- or, even better- a rematch of one of the best matches of 2011 when Pazzini and Colleen clashed? 

I'd certainly buy into that more than I would Starla McCloud being a #1 contender.

Of course, that's all a moot point now.  Thanks to Stacey Mackenzie's continued quest to turn herself into a snivelling lackey, Camilla was injured, then Isabella got her kangaroo match with a battered Camilla, "won", and Camilla's gonna be out a couple months as she heals up.

But this isn't about whether or not Camilla's deserves a shot at the FFW Championship. Not quite. 

This is about the opening segment of the show, when Isabella stood in the ring like the whimpering little coward she is, shrilly trying to go on about how she shouldn't have to face her sister.  Of course, her lord and master Samantha Star was happily standing beside her, trying to help out, by telling the world that the match at When Worlds Collide didn't count, because it wasn't under the FFW banner.

Think on that, kids.  When Worlds Collide didn't count. 

Never mind that 17 of the 34 wrestlers on the show- a full half- were under the FFW banner, and another 3 are FFW alumni.  It didn't count.

Never mind that FFW officials refereed a large selection of the matches.  It didn't count.

Never mind that the show had been in the making for a goddamned year, and was widely looked forward to by the fans of FFW more than any other company.  It didn't count. 

Never mind that the show was assembled and booked by a Production manager and lead announcer for FFW.  It didn't count. 

So fuck you, Mark Horton, your little end of the year extravaganza doesn't count. Not when it exposes our paper champion! 

What a douchey way to treat one of the leading figures of this business, and an all around standup guy. 

Honestly, I'm impressed with Mark's professionalism after listening to Samantha Star pull down her pants and shit on his baby in the middle of the ring.  Had that been me, I would have slid into that ring, and strangled that spoiled ginger debutante to death with my headset cord.  It'd have been great television, and there's not a jury in the world that would have convicted me. 

And as far as I'm concerned, fuck YOU Samantha Star.  When Worlds Collide counts.  When Worlds Collide counts a LOT.

Because it's a perfect indication of what's going to hapen to Isabella when you aren't around to carry her. 

Well, chalk this one up for being a rare time I'm wrong.  Less than two months ago, in a moment that defined "WTF", the Williams Dynasty was formed.  I, along with most sane rational people, tended to roll our eyes.  After all, the Williams family seemed to be more akin to the television show "Dynasty" than any actual perennial dominance.

Not anymore.

Sure, we'll still get our "hunh?" moments from the family, but that's not to take away from the fact that these guys can have their moments.  Crystal Williams is entering her fourth consecutive month as the Evolution Champion.  And then there's Jennifer Williams, who, despite finishing 2012 with a losing record in official FFW matches (seriously!), still managed to win Future Shock VII and Chase for the Crown III.  

Oh, and the Television Championship in the first show of the year. 

Once Team Adonis returns to defending their titles again, the Williams Dynasty would have to be considered a good bet to take their shot after the Scarborough Fair gets theirs.  Even with the SF as champions, I wouldn't entirely rule out the possibility of Crystal and Jenny ending up with another set of belts to go around their waist. 

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I'm probably not the only one who is looking forward to Thursday, strictly for the sole purpose of Misty and Kate putting all this stupidity behind them, becoming friends again, and leaving Ashley and Samara to kill each other by themselves in this ridiculous Whitmore vs. Steele family feud.  

Here's the deal: anyone who judges someone else strictly based on their last name is as stupid as someone who judges people strictly based on the color of their skin, their ethnicity, or their gender.  There's plenty of examples of family members being nothing like each other in FFW- the Pazzinis and Leavenworths being examples numero uno and dos on that list.  Look at Wendy and  the family she came from.  Hell, look at mine.  (Believe me, you do not want to meet my cousin). 

So yeah, let's hope for a good match Thursday between the Montagues and Capulets, but for the love of god, let it end then.   Or at least let Ashley and Samara end each other.  That'd be an ending far happier than the one the legends tell us we'll get. 

To kick off 2013, we had four new wrestlers debut at Breaking Point, and I have to confess- I was impressed with all four of them at a first glance.  Most notable of those was Kinsey Robinson, who's been more or less known to a lot of FFW/SVWers for a while now, and the singer made a fine debut with a win over Crystal Hate.  Indeed, so far, the only flaw I've seen in her would be her eyesight and character judgement, considering she actually loved Robbyn Helmsley. 

But I think the match that had us all talking was the triple threat opener.  All three women (Ariel, Candi and Alexis) pulled out all the stops in a very entertaining match, with Candi being the one to pull out the win at the end.  Still, I see a TON of potential in all three, and I look forward to seeing the woment develop here.  Just a warning though- FFW is a tough as nails fed.  It's a long, hard climb to the top. 

Two more women will be debuting at Velocity this week too, in Vanessa Bynum and Eleigha Circolone.  And shortly therafter, all six women will receive their true initiation to Femme Fatale Wrestling- their first ranking in the Power-X!

Before I leave you here tonight, I've heard the clamoring for MOAR MEMES, and, I'm happy to say, I'm not going to disappoint you guys tonight.  Here we have a new game that's hitting the trends- involving, who else, but the Queen of Games!

Alright, stay tuned for later this week, as I unveil the Ultimate rankings of 2012- the Power X-Travaganza.  Final tallies are being... tallied as we speak.  Then of course, Velocity on Thursday, followed by another Four Corners and the First Power X of 2013 as we steamroll towards Cold Blooded!