Once again, its time for wrestling manager and analyst Daniel Pollaski to go over the news, reviews, and previews of Femme Fatale Wrestling! All content is the sole opinion of the author and does not reflect the views of Femme Fatale Wrestling, its wrestlers, or administration. Or Wendy Briese, for that matter, so don’t go jumping her in the hallway if you get butthurt about this. Bitch.
The Power-X’s inspirational thought of the week.
Every time she'd find a minute
That's the time that they begin it
Cinderelly, Cinderelly
Cinderelly, Cinderelly
Night and day it's Cinderelly
Make the fire, fix the breakfast
Wash the dishes, do the mopping
And the sweeping and the dusting
They always keep her hopping
She goes around in circles
Till she's very, very dizzy
Still they holler
Keep a-busy Cinderelly!
- “The Work Song” The Mice from Cinderella
Hey kids!
Wow, was ESPN the channel to be tuned into Saturday night or what? First of all, there was an absolutely phenomenal BracketBusters basketball game that saw Creighton come from 15 down to top Long Beach State in an epic confrontation that proves both teams belong in the field come March. That, of course, was followed by Breaking Point, where we saw one Superteam completely and utterly disintigrate, followed by another superteam rising up and knocking off the Eternal Flame.
Now, I know this isn’t a college basketball column, but the fact of the matter is, I’m a fan. And that BracketBusters series is pretty cool. After all, what’s more entertaining than watching the best of the smaller teams play, to determine who has a good chance of pulling an upset come tourney time? After all, everybody loves a good Cinderella.
We in FFW certainly can appreciate the power of the underdog, especially after the last three shows we’ve watched. Here’s some food for thought: Of the nine singles matches we had in which both wrestlers were ranked- FIVE of them saw the lower ranked wrestler come out victorious. Seriously, quite a few glass slippers have been worn in Femme Fatale Wrestling over the past couple of weeks,
And as such, you can imagine that rankings have shuffled quite a bit. I mean, seriously, normally it’s the PPV’s that shake things up this magnitude, but this week outdoes anything that I’ve seen since I’ve started doing this for FFW. If you were ranked below fifteenth in last week’s installment, chances are you’re going to be in a very very different part of the neighborhood this week.
We’re also changing up the rules a bit. You can call this the “Sophie Richards” rule, since she’s the beneficiary from it this week. But by now, we’ve all become familiar with the last two/next one rule, which means that a wrestler must have either competed in the last two cycles, or be currently ranked and booked in the next cycle, to be eligible for rankings consideration. We’re expanding that just a bit to include wrestlers who have already been booked on the upcoming PPV card. After all, there’s no sense in dropping someone when they’re just about to be involved in a huge match we’re gonna force people to drop forty bucks to watch.
Although, there is an argument that can be said for being booked a little more consistently. that’s for sure.
Sadly, even with the new rules, we do see five drop outs this time around. Most notable, of course, was Rose Jenkins (last ranked 14th), who was unfortunately released due to injuries sustained in her match against Camilla Pazzini at Cold Blooded. Also falling from the rankings is Raven Wicked (21st), although we can expect to see her back soon enough, since Alysson Gardner will no doubt want a piece of her. Less notable are Sarah Richardson (45th), and the Lovehearts (48th and 49th, and I can’t be arsed to look up which one was which).
Luckily, thanks to two newcomers and two returnees, we only take a net loss of one person, which means that we’re sorting through a still sizeable forty-eight wrestlers. Of course that means twenty-three of them don’t have a fairy godmother to get them to the big ball, but what the hell, we’ll send out some invitations anyways. They can sit at the table with the ugly stepsisters.
#48- CHARITY DEAS [-1]
#46- KASSANDRA [-6]
#43- WHITLEY MERCER [Returning- Last Ranked 27th on September 15]
#40- LIGHTNING [-1]
#37- KARA HARRINGTON [Returning- Last Ranked 19th on November 17]
#35- JODIE GRAY [-1]
#34- IGNIS [-12]
#28- HAYLEY DARK [-12]
Of these, expect this to be the final ranking of Ignis and Hayley, as apparently one of them violated FFW’s drug policy, and as a result, the both of them have been suspended (not sure why the one who WASN’T in violation is getting suspended too, but there’s been an underlying feeling that this whole scenario wasn’t exactly on the level anyways. Kat Stryfe wasn’t stripped OR suspended after her hokey tokey back in March. Then again, she was forced to defend against Camilla Pazzini, which pretty much amounted to the same thing).
On that note... what the fuck just happened to the tag division? Bounce & Pounce has beend detitled and suspended. The Danger Queens and the Golden Girls put on a fucking embarassment in Velocity. Drop Dead Dangerous fell apart in simply spectatcular fashion. That leaves in the division... The Eternal Flame and... New York Crew? All due respect to the 2011 tag team of the year, but if I have to spend the next year watching Valentine and Stryfe beat the fuck out of Stephanie Sullivan, I’m going to cry.
Anyways, getting off track here. We’ve got twenty five spots to the top, and not a lot of time to do it with. So... here we go!
#25- EILEEN AMARO [-2]
Eileens slide hit a bit of a bump, although you can credit more Alex Adonis and his swing of the Future Shock Season 3 Championship (and this guys gonna ref a title match?!) than anything Eileen did. Eileen followed that up by taking a loss to Jo McFarlane. With Chaos Theory just over a month away, Eileen better get stuff figured out- there’s an Evolution Title shot with her name on it if she can beat Casey’s bullshit!
#24- JO MCFARLANE [+14]
Well, how about that? Not many people have noticed, but Jo changed the names of some of her major moves after Cold Blooded. Which is all fine in an of itself... after all, “Happy to Be Here” and “London to Ibiza” are kind of stupid names for Wrestling moves. And while the new selections aren’t exactly the epitome of wrestling nomenclature, it does reflect a new, hopefully more serious attitude for Jo. At the very least, it’s gotten her a rare singles pinfall victory over Eileen.
#23-HANNA ELLIOT [+10]
A win over Alyssa Foxworthy shouldn’t count for much, so it goes to say just how topsy-turvy things are in the FFW heirarchy right now that Hanna jumped ten spots after that victory. Still, this is a girl who, just when you think it’s time for her to go back to the drawing board, she rised up and pulls out a surprise. But here’d be the mother of all shockers- Hanna taking out fellow Blonde Bombshell Kelly McGuffin. That’s a surefire way to shoot up!
I’m never going to be confusing Jennifer for a MENSA member (which is more to say than her sister-in-law, who can’t be confused for a high school graduate). But I will give Jennifer super-duper-mad props for her poison pick. But here’s the thing- the pick your poison only pays off if you manage to win, and while Tara won’t be defending her title here, the fact of the matter is, Thunder’s a tough out any way you slice it, so the rookie better be hoping she isn’t biting off more than she can chew.
#21- MELANIE AVILO [+13]
Maybe... MAYBE I’m giving Avilo a little too much credit here, but while Jodie Gray showed surprise in their match, Avilo showed some downright flashes of brilliance as well. Of course, the domination of Charity Deas should be taken for what it is (not much). But you have to remember, that Mel’s also got that victory over Cara Stone in her pocket- a victory that is actually starting to look pretty good. And while she wasn’t enough to topple Tara Thunder, she definitely should be a factor in the next division down.
#20- CRYSTAL HATE [+4]
We all saw Crystal’s little temper tantrum earlier this week over her sister becoming the first in the family to garner a title. Before Crystal can get too beside herself here, let’s remember a few key things: 1. It’s the SVW T&A title. Hardly the most prestigious belt in all of wrestling. 2. It was a fucking basketball game. 3. It was over Arianna Millar. 4. She’s got another shot (that makes three!), at getting a shot at the Television Championship. First things first though- beating a Jodie Gray that is looking more and more like a serious threat by the week.
#19- CARA STONE [+7]
Winning two matches in a cycle is a difficult feat, but when it’s over Alysson Gardner and Jennifer Williams (the latter avenging an earlier defeat), people are going to sit up and take notice. Cara’s put her heart out for the Ultraviolence Championship, and she can earn herself a shot at Cammie at Chaos Theory. In the meantime, Cara can enjoy a well-deserved couple of weeks off (after facing her tag partner Anders Stark over in SVW, of course)
#18- SUMMER [=]
Wow, finally, someone who managed to stay put. That would be because Kasey took a couple of weeks off after her big win over Lumina Ferrari at Cold Blooded. Of course, everyone is looking forward to Chaos Theory, and to answer the question whether or not Summer is the woman who can finally put an end to Sophie Richard’s monstrous TV Title Reign. We’ll have "a good idea soon enough- Summer’s facing the last woman to challenge for the TV title. If Desi runs her out of town, I wouldn’t hold my breath for Chaos Theory.
Jenny sat out a week, but she certainly didn’t do it quietly, breaking into yet another tirade on Kaitlynn Stryfe and how Alexander Stryfe doesn’t belong with her. Right. Okay. At least she’ll have an opportunity to talk about ANOTHER topic when she squares off with Wendy Briese on March 3 at Breaking Point.
Welp, that’s it for Casey being undefeated in Singles competition, as she suffered a disqualification loss to Eileen at Byte This 3. Knowing Casey though, I strongly doubt the woman is going to be phased. She seems to have a way of turning setbacks into accomplishments. It’s like she’s the the world’s greatest optimist. The world’s greatest most realistically disinclined delusional optimist.
Looks like Izzy has taken some time off to lick her wounds in the wake of her defeat to Crystal Hilton. Not only did Izzy not compete, she was absolutely nowhere to be seen over the past couple of weeks. She emerges from her seclusion next Breaking Point,when she goes one on one with Shane Sanders in an attempt to get some momentum going.
Good week for Emma. First of all, she saves Eileen from an even more brutal beatdown by running off Casey Atherton and Alex Adonis. Then she teams with Stacey Mackenzie and downs the Eternal Flame (including her former best friend and tag partner, Katherine Stryfe). Things pick up for Emma this week when she faces Camilla Pazzini. A huge win over Chunks and the Emma McIntyre of old might just possibly (and finally) be back.
Mission accomplished for Starla McCloud. She wanted to get under Wendy’s skin, and boy did she accomplish that at Velocity, to the point where even the normally outspoken Wendy was rendered speechless in complete disbelief. Starla continues her ref duties at Breaking Point, when she stands in as the ‘backup’ official for the Wendy/Machine match. All well and good I guess, but... here’s an idea... what if Starla actually, y’know, wrestled more than once every other month?
Apparently Crystal didn’t manage to dry her eyes after her Kodak moment with Jennifer Williams, because she couldn’t even see Kimberly Aries, or the absolute fire that was emanating from the newcomer, and it ended up with her ending Breaking Point flat on her back. Evidently, Crystal is as unstable as she’s ever been. Maybe she can get herself grounded during her upcoming week off.
#11- DESIRAE KAIN [+9]
How’s that for a bounceback victory? After coming up short against Richards, and losing to the tag belts to Blunt & Pill (HA!), Desi needed to at least put up a good showing against Colleen. She did more than that, and handed the 2011 Femme Fatale of the Year her second stunning upset in three months. With the disappointment of Pink Inc’s tag title rematch being postponed, Desi looks to keep the momentum going, and possibly work her way back into the TV title picture, with a tilt against Summer at Breaking Point.
Kelly’s spent her first month in the company of the A-List keeping it cool, and doing everything she could to drag Hanna Elliot’s name through the mud at Breaking Point. Kelly seems a bit confident that she’ll keep her undefeated streak going against the Webcam Queen. But we all have seen several occasions what happens to an overconfident wrestler in FFW. Could this be the end of McGuffin’s streak?
#9- COLLEEN [-6]
If anyone around here is a living embodiment of the phrase “Pride goeth before a fall”, it’s Colleen. Back in November, instead of being gracious over winning Femme Fatale of the Year, she tried to leverage that into an undeserved FFW title shot, and ended up being embarassed by Shane Sanders as a result. This time, instead of just being relieved that she avenged that first loss, Colleen once again went on a massive ego trip, seeming especially delighted to rub everyone’s (especially Eileen Amaro) face in anything she can think of. Coleen may be a bitch, but Karma is still a bigger one.
I guess you can’t be too hard on Sophie’s recent inactivity, given that she did go on a monster defense streak to close out 2011 and open 2012. Still, Chaos Theory is the sight of Sophie’s next TV title defense, and more and more people I know are actually hoping for a Richards loss, mainly so that she can move on to a higher division that would be a more suitable challenge. Seriously.. who wouldn’t want to see Sophie vs. Tara?
Okay, we’re giving Kitty the benefit of the doubt here. But SOMETHING had to make her shake her head and walk out of that tag match on Breaking Point, effectively dissolving Drop Dead Dangerous. Not that anyone can really blame her. Crystal was insufferably trying to make that promo all about herself, instead of, y’know, acting like a teammate, so I can see why Kitty wanted to be shot of her. As Stryfe is known to say, “Fuck you, She... well, didn’t technically lose.”
Yeah, the Flame couldn’t quite stand up to the Stacey/Emma superteam, but they also did pick up a pretty win over B&P and Kara Harrington at Byte This III. The fact of the matter is, it doesn’t matter worth a damn where Katherine Stryfe is ranked this week- she knows what’s at stake. If she can beat Stacey, and become the first woman to reclaim the FFW Championship, we all know where she is going to be ranked in two weeks.
Looks like the Evolution Championship is going to remain in Tara’s firm grasp for the next few weeks at least, as it doesn’t look like she’ll be defending until after her match against Williams. Still, Thunder better be ready. The Evolution pecking order is slowly being established, and after Amaro and Atherton square off, the line will be a’comin, regardless of whether or not Jennifer Williams will be a part of it.
Now, I’m not too in the know concerning what happened between Scarlett and Alyssa, although I know it’s something concerning the EWC Homecoming show back in December of 2010. No matter- this reeks of a trapdoor match for Scar. I’m sure she wants to stick it to Foxworthy, but she wants that FFW Title even more, and you know her mind will be on the match that will decide her opponent at Chaos Theory. Keep forcused, Scar!
What, you think I’m gonna drop Wendy after that bullshit riddled travesty of the match? The fact of the matter is, this girl dominated the SVW Champion like he’d never been dominated, and if it weren’t for the fact that Starla McCloud is a self-serving idiot (or, y’know, we had a reasonable ref), she’d have a win over Moxie. I know, coulda shoulda woulda. What the fuck ever. She stays here. Got a problem with that? Do your own rankings.
Chunks has been taking it easy since retiring Rose Jenkins, but that all changes at Velocity on Thursday, when she faces the upset minded Emma McIntyre. Cammie’s title looks to be safe for the time being as well, as the UV division is completely muddled at this point, and it looks to be a while before some clarity is made.
We’re now coming up on the three month mark of Stacey’s title reign, and she’s yet to show any sort of vulnerability whatsoever. Of course, as long as the title’s up for grabs, She is just three seconds away from losing the belt. Keep that in mind as we watch her face Stryfe... these are the moments where the unbeatable can always fall in the blink of an eye.
And there we have it! Quite a bit of turmoil, but like I said, there tends to be with that many upsets flying around. And with the big matches coming up, you can expect that we’ll see even more shuffling come next column!
INCOMING!Two more shows on the dockett as we speed towards the end of March and Chaos Theory. After spending a bit of time out west over the winter, it looks to be an East Coast spring, as shows in Florida and North Carolina are followed by dates in Georgia and Pennsylvania.
VELOCITY- February 23 from Atlanta, Georgia.
We’re heading to the ATL in just a couple of days for the next installment of Velocity, and bragging rights seems to be the order of the day here. We’re starting with the debut of Claire Black (nee Lonergan), the boxing sensation that has already made some waves over in SVW, and hopes to make some more here in FFW. She’ll be facing Kassandra, who has to be wanting to redeem herself after that face-palm worthy showing against the Golden Girls. Allison Wright is in action next, and you know that after the controversy surrounding her debut, she’ll be wanting to get a much more solid win. But she’s facing Elizabeth Blackwell, and if Allison can’t see the crazy shit Blackwell gets into during her matches, she certainly is gonna feel them (:D)
Then it’s a battle between younger siblings of other FFW Stars. Lightning was denied a match at Velocity thanks to the shocking dismissal of Freya Kane (more on that later). She can take out that frustration against Allison Deas, who’s returning to action after being waylaid by Crystal Hilton back in December. Then the attention turns to the TV division, when two of the four women in the upcoming number one contenders match at Chaos Theory collide. Jodie’s still looking for her first official win, but Crystal Hate has struggled her past couple of matches, so both women could certainly use a win.
Colleen may have gotten her revenge on Shane Sanders, but obviously, once you’re in the crosshairs of the A-List, you don’t just get one person. Shane has to hold off Arabella, who’s hot to prove that she can deal just as much damage as her partner in the Violent Femmes. Arabella’s still undefeated, so Shane would definitely get a rub from picking up a win. And it’s a monster main event, as Camilla Pazzini goes toe to toe with Emma McIntyre. Obviously, Emma certainly could use the win a bit more than Chunks, but Camilla isn’t one to roll over for anyone. Definite bragging rights at stake.
BREAKING POINT- March 3 from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
In terms of pure star quality, BP is definitely the heavier show this time around, and it all starts with a HUGE opener, when the A-Lists’ newest member Kelly McGuffin squares off with Hanna Elliot. Elliot’s pulled off the big upset before, and you know that Kelly isn’t going to want her undefeated streak to end here. But Elliot has to be fired up after Kelly’s inflammitory comments on the last Breaking Point. It only heats up from there, as the next TV title contender takes on hte last one, in what should prove as a definite measuring stick match for Summer. Desi Kane’s coming off a huge win over Colleen, and she’ll want to keep the momentum going.
Both Wendy and Queen Machine are coming off of matches they’d rather forget, generally thanks to some pretty spotty officiating (although QM did get the benefit of having her’s eventually ruled a no contest). So both will be hungry for a win, but with Starla McCloud on the outside as the ‘backup’ official, that will prove of at least a distraction for Wendy. And it gets even bigger in the next match. Two of Samantha Stars former ‘chosen ones’ square off, and to the winner goes a definite bump towards the FFW Championship. Both Isabella and Shane are in a bit of a slump, so you can smell the desperation here.
Scarlett’s back in action next for the first time since Cold Blooded, against Alyssa Foxworthy, who seems to have been even more cocky and annoying in recent weeks (probably because she’s now running her daddy’s business). Personally, I can’t wait to see Scar kick the Rich Bitches’ ass all the way back to New York. And then... well, I really don’t need to describe the main event, do I? Kat Stryfe already cashed in her rematch clause, so this is a bonus for her, and she has got to get it done against Stacey if she hopes to remain in the discussion for the FFW Championship. Either way, Scar’s waiting in the wings for the winner, so you know that she’ll be watching this carefully.
AWARDS!Oh dear God, what have I done?
I’ve invited some controversial figures to do awards before. Rori Snyder. Kaitlynn Stryfe. Samantha Star. Even Johnny Moxie. But I have had to have gone completely insane to pick the person I did for this week’s awards.
There’s no need for any more introduction than this. Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Houser.
Match of the Week
Wendy Briese vs. Johnny Moxie
You know, I am not one to hold personal grudges, but when someone goes out of their way to put on the facade of being a woman who adheres to the rules, Wendy Briese was once again proven to be a liar. I took the liberty of exposing her months ago whereupon she threatened to hurt me, and in this match, she proved herself yet again to be a duplicitous fraud. Poor Dr. McCloud, whom was placed in the position of official, gave what I felt was a fantastic performance as referee until our underhanded No Surrender Champion tried to knock her down in the match. "I was shoved," cried the boy who cried wolf. Sad that Ms. Briese can counter technical wrestlers to avoid devastating moves, but shoves are her Achilles heel. Once again, this emperor is proven to have no clothes.
Well, if you gauge the match of the week by terms of audience reaction, then yes, it is a viable candidate. Although when the reaction is “complete and utter hatred”, I tend to think maybe not as much. Either way... runners up. AKA, the real winners (at least this week).
- Cara Stone vs. Alysson Gardner (Dear God in heaven! How do these women still even LIKE each other after all the hell they put each other through! It was a phenomenal match, and it was a fitting introduction to the new generation of Ultraviolence Competitors.
- Melanie Avilo vs. Jodie Gray (I could care less about all the crying about Jodie somehow cheating because she MIGHT have been just a bit more knowledgable wrestling than she’s let on. This was a fantastic back and forth match, and one of those hidden gems you always will find in FFW’s undercard)
Winner of the Week
Whitley Mercer
I can not begin to tell you how impressed I was watching young Whitley both expose her former friend as an unscrupulous homewrecker on live television. And as a man who holds his journalistic integrity to the highest caliber, I applaud her. But watching her almost record breaking dismantling of Charity Deas was inspiring. Ms. Deas is living proof why relatives should never marry. Ms. Mercer shows nothing but the highest respect for the competition that deserves it, she has yet to have competition worthy of it though. Life has already used Ms. Deas as its personal handkerchief. Ms. Mercer only added to the tradition. Kudos, Ms. Mercer!
It’s nice to know that Alex Houser’s standards are so fucking high that BEATING CHARITY DEAS IS CONSIDERED AN ACCOMPLISHMENT
- Desirae Kain (So I’ve figured out how to make sure Desi never wins a match again- peg her as the favorite. Because the woman is fuggin UNSTOPPABLE in the underdog role)
- Cara Stone (Two matches, two huge wins. Doesn’t get any better than that)
Loser of the Week
Leander Apollo
It saddens me whenever I listen to the commentary of Mr. Apollo each Velocity, because he is not a play by play commentator. He does not call matches, he uses his position to offer his unfounded editorials. We heard it yet again during the match between Ms. Avilo and Ms. Gray. His personal grudges need be left at home. His broadcast partner, the upstanding Mr. Adonis whose fitness program has added years onto my life, is there to offer opinions and thoughts. And insightful they always are. Sadly Mr. Apollo's commentary is lackluster, and rife with personal bias. Mr. Ramsey can attest to this as well, as he had to sit next to him during the match. And how he and especially Mr. Adonis manage to maintain any sense of professionalism next to Mr. Apollo is a credit to both of their characters. I applaud you both, especially Mr. Adonis. Mr. Apollo should save his opinions for when he is asked for them, and do what his job title implies: calling play by play.
While I would agree that Apollo ain’t exactly the most even-handed announcer... so what? We want entertaining personalities who know the goddamn sport, something that Leo fits the bill perfectly. Meanwhile, in reality...
- Crystal Hilton (Well, so much for THAT tag team.)
- Bounce & Pounce (And so much for THIS tag team. Whether or not it was fair, there’s nothing that’s going to reverse their stripping and suspension. It’s a sad, sad derailing of two of FFW’s most promising talents)
Douchebag of the Week
Scarlett Kincaid
Any athlete whom puts their hands on a member of FFW's production or staff deserves to also be suspended. Indefinitely. But being that she is married to the COO, I realize that will never happen. Just like Ms. Briese, when confronted with the bright light of truth, much like a rat, she scurries to the shadows. I will personally be rooting for Ms. Foxworth at Breaking Point, and hope whoever meets Ms. Kincaid at Chaos Theory, they give her the same treatment. I do want to again thank the millions of FFW fans whom sent in their cards and letters, and I assure each of them that I will not let this setback deter me from being the fair and balanced source of information that I have always been.
You know, it seems to me that a wrestling journalist should actually have some sort of in-ring experience. If Mr. Houser would like to gain some, I would be more than happy to accomodate him. And I doubt I’ll be the only one.
- Starla McCloud (Do I even need to explain this? Really?)
- The GOlden Girls and The Danger Queens (It’s not often we get a dud here in FFW, but dear god. Lisa Richardson was a flat-out embarrassment on her own, but you combo that with the fact that the Danger Queens didn’t even have a clue who they were facing, and you almost have to feel sorry for newcomer Mika Demidov for even being associated with this. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!
So, yeah. Thanks to Alex Houser for these. Please feel my genuine gratitude dripping from my size 10 Verdana font.
MEME OF THE WEEK!Now, I know that it’s been requested to leave this be, but you know what? I’m the kind of guy who likes to rip a scab off the wound, throw salt on it, and then break out the rubbing alcohol. So...

And now, for a groaner, courtesy of Katilynn Stryfe’s new favorite saying...

And that will do it for this weeks Power X! Of course, we’ll be back in just a couple short weeks, with possibly a new champion, and DEFINITELY a new batch of rankings, reveiwes, previews, and news for all the FFW faithful to enjoy! Until then...
Daniel Pollaski is an independent wrestling columnist, SVW wrestler, and the manager of FFW star Wendy Briese. He’d also just remind everyone that NIKKII SPAINHOWER FRGGIN KISSED HIM AT CRIMINAL INTENT! HELLS YEA!